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What are your 'Unpopular Opinions?'

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I remember in school my most unpopular opinion was that a licence should be required to have children. I think if you have to have a licence to have a dog then you should have to have one to have kids. Also, might decrease the number to stupid people having children. (Unlikely, but it might.)


Just becuase I like to cook, bake, and prance around the house in a cute apron does not make me anti-feminist. Being a feminist means I have the choice to choose to do these things. I also hate the negativity that is connected with the word feminist, some girl called me a feminist in my English class last semester and she meant it as an insult? (I just looked at her and went "You use that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.) XD




Totally agree with these!


Also very much agree that all newborns are not adorable, even my own ;) He was battered and scaly, and his head looked like an Onion, we have called him Onion ever since... He is of course, now, absolutely gorgeous! Even now, after having my own, when friends say "do you want to hold the baby" I think in my head ummmmm no? ;)


My other unpopular opinions:


Girls can understand football (soccer) even the offside rule.


I am not too old for Kiss FM (R & B radio channel)


All young people ARENT stupid/drunk/thoughtless/selfish, I know some amazing teens.


Gypsys aren't all thieving soinsos.


Marriage IS for life. (or should be at least presumed it will be, not suggesting someone stays in an abusive relationship, but do think they should give it a go, and that far too many give up too easily these days)


Teaching my son the finer points of rap/reggaeton (yes I love that D Yankee song Angelo ;) ) /r&b IS an important part of his education LOL


Having/being an only child IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD....


ummm I'm quickly hopping off my soap box before I go on for another 3 hours ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't like the hunger games. Seriously, WHAT is with all the fuss.

I don't like Glee.

Harry Potter; okay, I guess, but not interesting enough for me to watch/read.

Comic Sans; mixed feelings, but weeeeeee~

I don't like the band that made Party Rock or any of their songs. (not saying the name because it's an acronym for a curse word)er

SOME of the newer generations of Pokemon are pretty good. but only a little.

Hoenn did not have that much water in it. It did have, like, almost no ice types.


I can't think of too many off the top of my head except I like Justin Bieber. I'm not a crazy fangirl or anything, but it's hard not to appear that way sometimes when the "cool" thing to do is hate him, lol.


Being fully vegan without vitamins is unhealthy.

It's possible, just difficult. A B12 supplement is recommended for anyone who is fully vegan, though. Some foods are fortified with it now, but I still think it'd be tough, and "health" these days is more focused on optimizing rather than avoiding deficiency.


I think statements like these are more 'fact' than 'opinion', although it is heavily debated. :O



Neopets isn't just for children.

Teehee I think that's a popular opinion around these parts. :laughingsmiley:


Just becuase I like to cook, bake, and prance around the house in a cute apron does not make me anti-feminist. Being a feminist means I have the choice to choose to do these things.

This this this this this.


I don't like the hunger games. Seriously, WHAT is with all the fuss.

Hahaha I think it's just because it's so much vastly better than Twilight, it's getting more attention than it otherwise normally would have.


Glee makes me deaf


Any kind of orange colors (except peach) are ugly to me.


Final Fantasy 9 is the best FF game (even better than FF7)


Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum are my least favorite of the main games. It was just boring to me.


Rainbow Dash is my least favorite of the main ponies.


Mystery Island is the best team in the AC :P


People on Facebook need to stop putting random stuff on their status that's "poetic" versus or lyrics from a song. You're not deep and we don't care, stop it.


Ketchup is nasty.


Birds deserve WAY more love than cats.


Nobuo Uematsu is a better composer than Mozart and Beethoven.


Selena Gomez should NEVER be compared to Selena Quintanilla. Selena Quintanilla is SO much BETTER and I dislike when people think Gomez can be like her. Just no.

  • 2 weeks later...

Science/logic should always trump religion.


Seriously. I'm an athiest, but I dare not say I am in front of basically anyone. Even some people that were, at one point, close to me, seem to get all offended by that. Not me trying to debunk religion — not that kind of girl. I think it's rude to try and convince someone to convert to or from a religion, no matter what. But people get offended if I just casually mention that I'm an athiest, that I believe in evolution, or that I think The Big Bang theory sounds about right.





  • I ship Snape and Harry in Harry Potter (god I know that's going to be REALLY unpopular but look I can't help it ok? I read this one AMAZING fanfiction and it just put them together forever)

My best friend is a Snarry shipper, and actually, has swayed me to that side. If it's well-written, oh-my-god is it good. *high fives*


I guess I have quite a few controversial views but the opinion I've had the most backlash on is related to my thoughts on self-harm. I don't know if it's even worth going into here, so I'll just leave it at that.


I like puppies better than babies.


I hate Twilight.


I dislike Lord of the RIngs.


Pixar ruined Disney. I miss my animated Disney princess movies, but those are gone now and replaced by computer generated garbage.


I hate driving. I think we should all take the train or bus. I never drive to school, work, friends houses or the grocery store. I don't own a car and I live somewhere where I don't need one. If more people stopped being lazy and did the same, they would save millions and save the planet.

  • 3 weeks later...

I like Robert Patterson as a person (that one interview where he acknowledges that Edward is too perfect in the books and he says other stuff... oh my goodness, so much respect.)


I'm Christian


I don't believe it's right to shove my values and life attitudes down other people's throats despite what "my religion" says (let's face it, it's mostly politics, not "religion")


I believe in rights - for all people, no matter what.


I can accept any ship (ANY ship) as long as the reason for the ship is not "because A was with B, C was with D, so E had to be with F"


I absolutely and utterly hate The Lion King 2, and think that Kiara and Kovu are the most self-centred, selfish, idiotic, whining pair of parasites to ever latch onto animation.


I wish eRa [sic] / Eric Levi would stop using the 'Divano' chorus in every song, and his best work was a collaboration with another person. That other person needs to come back and make more brilliant music!


X-Ray Dog (the music project) should release their CDs of music (unpopular as they most certainly don't agree XD)


Hmmm.. Let's see.


Cigarettes: I hate everything about them, but I continue to smoke.

Serving: I think servers should make more than $2 an hour everywhere! :shiftyeyes_anim:

Drugs: I hate drugs with a passion, nothing digusts me more.

Chocolate: I love chocolate so much! It's the first thing I eat when I get up. (:

Twitter: DUMB.

Facebook: Nothing but continuous drama. Have one, never get on.

TXTNG LK THS: Seriously, I don't know what that means.

Rudeness: Very ugly behavior.

Arrogance: No one has the right to think you're better than anyone else.


I think that's good for now. I'm sure I've missed plenty more. It's sleepy time. :sleeping_02:


Serving: I think servers should make more than $2 an hour everywhere! :shiftyeyes_anim:

Oh my! I've heard that servers weren't paid well in the States, but that's crazy! D: Everyone here is required to be paid at least minimum wage, so you can actually make pretty decent money as a server if you make tips on top of that.

I absolutely and utterly hate The Lion King 2, and think that Kiara and Kovu are the most self-centred, selfish, idiotic, whining pair of parasites to ever latch onto animation.


Those were my thoughts exactly when I was watching this!


My opinions are nearly all unpopular...I tend to shut up about them usually. In my mind, I can have whatever unpopular opinion I want, but I really hate talking about it because most people will disagree and waste my time and theirs by trying to change my mind.


Chocolate is nice, but I prefer vanilla.

I don't understand vegetarians/vegans...

I think people who abuse perfume should have it confiscated (when you fill an entire room with your perfume just by walking in, you know you've sprayed on too much)

I like broccoli

I have loved milk, plain or with sugar, since I was a kid.

I hate tomatoes but I love ketchup

The only drug I am pro about is caffiene, but not on a daily basis and only if you really need a boost. I try to avoid even panadol / pain killers because they can be addictive.


More serious stuff


I'm pretty religious, but when I do something my religion says is wrong, I admit that I'm doing something wrong. It pisses me off when people claim that through they're interpretation, so-and-so isn't actually considered a sin! Even though it's pretty clear. Either stick with the rules or don't, but don't come around and re-write them to your own liking.


I think that having a religion is better than not having one, no matter what your faith is.


I think if you disapprove of something someone else is doing, and it doesn't affect you, shut up about it. (this is a majorly unpopular opinion where I'm from, as pointing out when you think someone is doing something wrong is considered a must)


Those are the majority of my most unpopular opinions.


I'm pretty religious, but when I do something my religion says is wrong, I admit that I'm doing something wrong. It pisses me off when people claim that through they're interpretation, so-and-so isn't actually considered a sin! Even though it's pretty clear. Either stick with the rules or don't, but don't come around and re-write them to your own liking.




I think if you disapprove of something someone else is doing, and it doesn't affect you, shut up about it. (this is a majorly unpopular opinion where I'm from, as pointing out when you think someone is doing something wrong is considered a must)



I disagree with the top statement, agree with the bottom.


You said sin, so I'm gonna guess that you're Christian (apologies if you are not). Though I agree with admitting to your sins, what counts as sinful is very hard to say nowadays. For example, tattoos. There is a bit in the bible against tattoos, however a very large proportion of male youth at my church have them. While they are not encouraged, they are not discouraged either. So is it sinful?


The other problem is that the bible you pick up today is a translation of a translation of a translation... and things get lost in translation. There is also investigations into possible additions to the bible placed in for political gain years and years after the original authors died.


However, I do agree that if someone is doing something that doesn't affect you and isn't illegal, it's none of your business.


On topic: I like facebook


I disagree with the top statement, agree with the bottom.


You said sin, so I'm gonna guess that you're Christian (apologies if you are not). Though I agree with admitting to your sins, what counts as sinful is very hard to say nowadays. For example, tattoos. There is a bit in the bible against tattoos, however a very large proportion of male youth at my church have them. While they are not encouraged, they are not discouraged either. So is it sinful?


The other problem is that the bible you pick up today is a translation of a translation of a translation... and things get lost in translation. There is also investigations into possible additions to the bible placed in for political gain years and years after the original authors died.


However, I do agree that if someone is doing something that doesn't affect you and isn't illegal, it's none of your business.


On topic: I like facebook


Actually, I'm not christian. I'm muslim. We have the same bit about the tattoos actually, but its pretty vague, and my aunt has one. I'm actually talking about the clear things. My religion is reallllyy clear about some things that most people (of my religion) choose to ignore in favor of their 'interpretations' of the language ex. this word could be symbolic and not literal so its totally fine for me to go and drink alcohol, or they twist the words or use synonyms etc.


My sect considers crab to be haram (un-kosher?) but my mom's friend (who is of the same sect) calls it "mother-of-shrimp" and refuses to acknowledge that they are the same creature, so she eats crab.


A girl with me in high school told me that her mother read the quran and didn't see anything that meant you had to cover your hair, so neither she nor her mother wear hijab. I really don't care if they don't, but I think its...illogical of them. Do they think (the majority of) the rest of the female muslim population like wearing long sleeves etc in the summer? Did someone just read a word wrong and everyone went along with it? The rule is there, whether or not you choose to follow it is up to you, just don't tell me that millions of women around the world are enduring prejudice for no reason because they don't know how to read.


If someone came to you and started debating about the meaning of the word "adultery" in the bible "thou shalt not commit adultery" and said it actually meant something else and everyone was being faithful in marriages for absolutely no reason. People just can't understand the wording as well as this person could. Its really annoying, but it happens a lot around me.


Chocolate is nice, but I prefer vanilla.

I don't understand vegetarians/vegans...

I think people who abuse perfume should have it confiscated (when you fill an entire room with your perfume just by walking in, you know you've sprayed on too much)

I like broccoli

I have loved milk, plain or with sugar, since I was a kid.

Haha, totally agree with all of these. :P


A girl with me in high school told me that her mother read the quran and didn't see anything that meant you had to cover your hair, so neither she nor her mother wear hijab. I really don't care if they don't, but I think its...illogical of them. Do they think (the majority of) the rest of the female muslim population like wearing long sleeves etc in the summer? Did someone just read a word wrong and everyone went along with it? The rule is there, whether or not you choose to follow it is up to you, just don't tell me that millions of women around the world are enduring prejudice for no reason because they don't know how to read.

I've heard some people say it's open to interpretation, others think it says pretty explicitly to cover your hair/neck. Regardless, I just have trouble seeing why one has to dress that way to be considered modest - are we really all so sex-driven that we really cannot control ourselves unless we cover everything up? Why were we created that way, then? It just seems like a dangerous concept to me, because then things like this can happen.


So I guess my unpopular opinion is that religion is outdated. Perhaps holy books were nice guidelines when they were written, but humans are now capable of distinguishing morality without the use of those books. I don't mean to turn this into a debate thread; this topic is just very interesting to me and something I've thought a lot about. :*


The most muscle I can stand that I think still looks good is Jensen Ackles, he's gorgeous.

I know, right? :laughingsmiley: He is so heavenly!


Glee: I dislike the show. I don't know why, I just do. :/

Dracula: Hottest vampire ever.

Cheese: Not tasty at all. I despise cheese.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Will always be one of my favorite movies.

Selena Gomez. She is pretty and I like her.

Facebook: Most of the people I know don't like FB, but I do. I go online at least 3 hours a day. Yeah, call me an addict. I don't care. :P


Actually, I'm not christian. I'm muslim. We have the same bit about the tattoos actually, but its pretty vague, and my aunt has one. I'm actually talking about the clear things. My religion is reallllyy clear about some things that most people (of my religion) choose to ignore in favor of their 'interpretations' of the language ex. this word could be symbolic and not literal so its totally fine for me to go and drink alcohol, or they twist the words or use synonyms etc.


My sect considers crab to be haram (un-kosher?) but my mom's friend (who is of the same sect) calls it "mother-of-shrimp" and refuses to acknowledge that they are the same creature, so she eats crab.


A girl with me in high school told me that her mother read the quran and didn't see anything that meant you had to cover your hair, so neither she nor her mother wear hijab. I really don't care if they don't, but I think its...illogical of them. Do they think (the majority of) the rest of the female muslim population like wearing long sleeves etc in the summer? Did someone just read a word wrong and everyone went along with it? The rule is there, whether or not you choose to follow it is up to you, just don't tell me that millions of women around the world are enduring prejudice for no reason because they don't know how to read.


If someone came to you and started debating about the meaning of the word "adultery" in the bible "thou shalt not commit adultery" and said it actually meant something else and everyone was being faithful in marriages for absolutely no reason. People just can't understand the wording as well as this person could. Its really annoying, but it happens a lot around me.


Crab is bad because they are known to eat dead human bodies, if I recall correctly. Maybe you want to tell your aunt that xD


On a more serious note, yes, I know of the hijab thing. I have a muslim friend who doesn't wear hers, and her mother wears only the head bit, not the face covering. Additionally, my friend has convinced her mother to let her wear shorts and tank tops, but the mother is so strict she's not allowed to date non-muslims (which obviously limits dating partners somewhat).


It's a bit like, now you mention it, adultery in the bible. The general argument is "god created a man and a woman so nuclear families are good". But very early on in the bible we see polygamy, sex slavery and direct incest (two daughters and a father) - but God never said anything about that. Does that make those ok? Flip, Solomon had 400 wives and 600 concubines on top of that. No one ever says "hey, that's weird", cause God didn't say anything about it. It could be interpreted that incest and polygamy and sex slavery is all ok. Our society clearly states at all of these are wrong. And goodness help us if it's ever seen as right again.


So much context has to be considered with these things - stuff like it being common, even expected, to marry into your family would never be acceptable these days. But it's talked about because that was the way things were at the time; same with women being more object than human. No one could say that treating a human being like an object is acceptable now. But the bible says it's ok, does that mean we should do it? No.


I don't know a lot about the quran, but I would be interested to know what it says, and what its context is.




I only like soft cheese and processed cheese - the ones that come in single serves. I don't like hard cheese.

I've heard some people say it's open to interpretation, others think it says pretty explicitly to cover your hair/neck. Regardless, I just have trouble seeing why one has to dress that way to be considered modest - are we really all so sex-driven that we really cannot control ourselves unless we cover everything up? Why were we created that way, then? It just seems like a dangerous concept to me, because then things like this can happen.


The wording is pretty explicit, not much room to mistake the meaning for something else. Like I said, I couldn't care less if they don't want to cover their hair, but telling me that the majority of the muslim population 'interpreted' it wrong for generations is a bit much.


What most people don't realize is that there are just as many modesty rules for men...including looking away from women. They aren't supposed to be oggling them...which is probably what whoever suggested the new law was doing to be able to notice a woman's eyes as she's minding her own business.


Crab is bad because they are known to eat dead human bodies, if I recall correctly.

*shudder* that is disgusting...


On a more serious note, yes, I know of the hijab thing. I have a muslim friend who doesn't wear hers, and her mother wears only the head bit, not the face covering. Additionally, my friend has convinced her mother to let her wear shorts and tank tops, but the mother is so strict she's not allowed to date non-muslims (which obviously limits dating partners somewhat).


Most sects don't consider the face covering mandatory. In fact, the general consensus is that you only HAVE to wear it if you think you are basically so irresistibly beautiful that you'll like stall traffic. To be honest the dating thing made me LOL..we aren't supposed to "date" at all, regardless of whether or not the guy is muslim..that's pretty explicit as well. The only way it'd be okay would be if the guy formally approaches the parents and tells them that he intends to marry the girl. Then they can hang out without being married. Like I said before though, I really don't care, as long as your friend isn't trying to convince other muslims that islam is somehow pro-dating.


On a lighter note:

I think Pokemon is boring. That's right. It's the same thing over and over.

Totally agree :P


Also, I really like spinach.


I don't think Twilight is horrible :* I'm not a TwiHard either.


Reading is FUN! Sometimes studying is fun too :nerd:


Can I just say, I LOVE Spinach, *high five*


It is delicious. Same with most veggies actually.


I KNOW right?? I was always so confused when kids in movies didn't like veggies. I've never tried brussel sprouts, another popularly unpopular veggie, but I think I'd like it :P

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