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It's GORGEOUS where I am right now :) Probably at least 15*C which is like...uhm...60*F. I don't know. It's REALLY nice out. Very sunny too!

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It was snowing huge snowflakes when I returned home, it has reduced to a small wintry mix where I am with temperatures in the low 30's.

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We had rain last week, but now it's warmed up again. It's actually a bit cooler than last week though, probably only in the 60's instead of the 70s!

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We've been having more of the back and forth, but more extreme. It will be below freezing and snow, then the last two days have been 70+ degrees. Then tomorrow's supposed to be 38 degrees, then 28 degrees and snow on Thursday.

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It's started to get a little bit colder again here- I'm back to wearing my light winter/spring coat. How sad :( I miss the warm weather! At least there's lots of sun though! :)

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