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I have an urge to start a "that awkward moment when ..." thread about Neopets :)


so , I hope you guys participate :) u are welcome to say anything :)


I will start :


that awkward moment when you win a rare or super rare item only to find it sells for 20 NP

That awkward moment when you buy something awesome for your pet to wear... Only to find out it's not actually wearable! Doh!


That awkward moment when you see one of these awkward moment threads and you cant for the life of you think of a single thing to go on it....


.... I'll be back XD


The awkward moment when you try to restock something, fail and see "I RESTOCKED (insert your item here)" as a newest topic on the neoboards.


that awkward moment when you find something AWESOME on the shop wiz and the person asks very nicely to get it back because of mispricing...


that awkward moment when you buy an item for 600k only to find someone else selling it for 400k the very next day ...


None of these are awkward, really guys?


Let me show you how a pro does it


That awkward moment when you catch your neofriend dancing to "Party Rock Anthem"


that awkward moment when you can't login, think you're hacked, start cursing, everybody is looking at you, and you realise your CAPS LOCK is on...


better yoshi?


None of these are awkward, really guys?


Let me show you how a pro does it


That awkward moment when you catch your neofriend dancing to "Party Rock Anthem"


How is that one? You cant see through a computer :laughingsmiley:


That awkward moment where your internet freezes, so you press the 'send' button a million times only to realise you've completely spammed someones inbox - especially someone you don't know, that's the worst :/


How is that one? You cant see through a computer :laughingsmiley:


That awkward moment where your internet freezes, so you press the 'send' button a million times only to realise you've completely spammed someones inbox - especially someone you don't know, that's the worst :/


Ha! That one's so true, I had this happen the other day and then I had to debate whether or not sending an additional email to apologize for the spam would help or just make it worse. XD;


That awkward moment when you go around telling everyone you got a FFQ and then when you hand in the item, all you get is a defence increase, and now you have to decide whether to tell people or quietly avoid the subject and hope no one remembers.


That awkward moment when you write about awkward moment and then forget what you wanted to write.


Wait what am I doing here again?


That awkward moment when you finally get something you always wanted and can't help but get super dorky happy, while someone else is in the same room.


Getting my Draik and Krawk made those moments hilarious xD


that awkward moment when you FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY get a FFQ and she asks for a Million NP item :sad02:


(inspired by Linsta)


That awkward moment you have to explain to someone why you're bidding on an item and they threaten you to stop before they report you and you're like...what? NO! xD


Past experience getting a Faerie PB.


That awkward moment when... you realize an item that was unknown in data tests turns out to be a One-Use Battledome Item. ;)


That awkward moment when you restock an item that you are hoping is super expensive and it turns out to be about 10k less than what you bought it for.


Ha! That one's so true, I had this happen the other day and then I had to debate whether or not sending an additional email to apologize for the spam would help or just make it worse. XD;


Ahaa I know right XD I usually send the additional message with a subject like OOOPS!! :P


That awkward moment where a newbie asks a simple question on the boards and a complete attack ensues O-o


That awkward moment when you go to the Faerieland Employment Agency and click on a great job, go get the stuff, come back, and realize that you just assumed you got the job when really you didn't. Now you're stuck with 6 Chocolate Milks. ):


that awkward moment when you realise the NC trade you did for a superpack, means using up 5 boxes, and you have already agreed to the trade..


or the awkward moment when you did a trade and realise you didn't put your password and pin in, so the item didn't get sent and now the other person probably thinks you are a scammer..


that awkward moment when you are blathering on oh-so-knowledgable, and then someone points out you are wrong :P (this happens often :laughingsmiley: )


or that awkward moment when you write to correct someones spelling (like an item name) only to mis-spell something in your own post (extra points if you also mis-spell the item name)


that awkward moment when you realise you spent the whole day trading for a NC item you wanted for your gallery, only to find you actually traded for that item last week.


my life is full of silly moments :P


That awkward moment when you finally rise way above "pathetic" on Test Your Strength , only to receive a pathetic prize (Meowclops pillow)

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