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Well I guess if you want to find some weird conversations... just read through this topic! :P You'll find more than you ever wanted I think.


Well ya!!! There's more than a year of my BS here. >w<


((Hey that rhymed!))


Well this is the OTB. We were, and still are, all being random.


Oooo, I went back to page 500 and caught a bit of a conversation about a contest I held a year ago. This contest was a Super Bowl guessing game. The prize was the valentines day card sent on Valentines day, therfore gaining the sidebar. I thought it was a fun contest. The rules are here. http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2835 Zac won last year. If anyone has a Card and they don't know who to send it to then this is an excellent choice, especially with all the new members. ^^


Hey AA, this is probably a stupid question but, how do you delete a white background with GIMP, I need a step-by-step explanation.

Hey AA, this is probably a stupid question but, how do you delete a white background with GIMP, I need a step-by-step explanation.

A render job? Wow, I had to do that earlier with a picture of a girl with her hair flowing in the air. I'm only glad she was infront of a white background, still took me forever...


There should be a window on the left side of the screen with a whole bunch of tools on it. One of the tools should be labelled as 'Select by Colour'. Use that tool to select the white background, then hit delete.


I found the easiest way to extract hair is to first cut the girl, then deal with the hair with contrast settings and junk. I wound up making this. BaNaNaLiE.png What you guys think?

There should be a window on the left side of the screen with a whole bunch of tools on it. One of the tools should be labelled as 'Select by Colour'. Use that tool to select the white background, then hit delete.


When I delete, it deletes the image.


@Levy: That's a pretty good image!


@Loc: Are you sure you selected the white background?


Nope - you click 'Select by Colour', then click on the white background in the image, and it should select the white parts of the image for you. Then you press delete to get rid of them.


Not really - just make sure 'feather edges' is unchecked.


Would anyone like a fresh non-poisonous cookie for free? >:-)


That's correct. DOOM Corp. no longer poisons its cookies - that would totally defeat the purpose of the mind control.


By the way, if anybody wants to read a great piece of writing, just follow this link.


Theo, is that a continuation off that story you sent me way back when? Something to do with magic and being in a swamp. I liked it. :yes:


It's a passage from the general story, yes. It's written by one of my two co-authors on that story (who I think is a significantly better writer than me).


Hey guys, tell me if I did a good job at rendering this girl... Hair is always hard to render




A render is a term used in graphic design, basically an image with the background cut out but saved in the PNG format, saving the high quality of an image and its cut out. In other words, if you saw this image in a website with a black background you would not see any white. ((Well maybe a gray outline around her, that's unavoidable for me as of now.))


To be honest with you? The hair on the left looks stiff.


Says the daughter of a photographer.


Looks good though.


Eh, what ever. It doesn't matter, she didn't like the sig I made her anyway. I made it in the colors she wanted at first, then when she posted her opinion of it she changed the colors she wanted. <_< Someone else's problem now. I hate rendering.

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