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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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no yous ee I lend her the computer and then she starts going to my stuff... GRR i really dislike her

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There are options in Windows XP to make certain folders private or password-protected, so your sister can't mess with them. :yes:

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I feel like being totally off topic, so I'm not even reading what was written before that post ;p



Pictures during and after the snowstorm we had here, in Quebec! Enjoy the SNOW!


lol Xepha, I live pretty close to Quebec and we certainly got our share of snow here in Ontario. UGH. The pile of show beside my driveway is now taller than I am, it's insane.

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lol Xepha, I live pretty close to Quebec and we certainly got our share of snow here in Ontario. UGH. The pile of show beside my driveway is now taller than I am, it's insane.



Yep, I saw picture from Ontario as well! (On CTV's website, lol!)


*bombards Mikey with snowballs from the Christmas theme layout ;p*

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I am making Fried chicken and its yummmy!

Yum, ugh now I'm getting quite hungry. :crying:

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The seasons here are basically half the year is hot and half the year isn't as hot as the other half. There, I should totally become a weatherman :P

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