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Giovanni Gale

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I am at Rank 4 still. I feel so pathetic. :P


Before thr AC started i was all like YEAH MAN I'M GONNA GET ALL-STAR LIKE A BOSS HUNGH HUNGH YEAHHH and now i'm all like whatever bro

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Get burnt out? I actually got burnt out for several days after I got All-Star, I had to rest myself after all that Yooyuball playing. For the next 9 days, I'm going to make sure that I'm back in the game and willing to get myself a Faerie Yooyu and some fine wearables, too. It won't be easy, but I'll see what I can pull off. :)

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It's super easy to get burnt out. I hit the games hard in the beginning and now I'm often having to force myself to sit and play.


Ughh, same. I always get burnt out the worst when I'm >10 wins away from the next rank and it's 11pm or midnight or something.

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Hey guys, long time no post. I wonder if anyone here still remembers me. :P


It's super easy to get burnt out. I hit the games hard in the beginning and now I'm often having to force myself to sit and play.


Me too. I can only go as far as 500-600 SOSD per day now and nothing else, with breaks every half an hour or so. It's so tedious and time-consuming.

Regardless, I'm still aiming for All-Star, but not until the last day, lol!

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i've played like 3 games of it xD

I'm pretty unmotivated in this AC. if i try super hard, wake up super early, and have no distractions, i can max MSN before noon when i leave for vacation.

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Man...I've BEEN motivated after seeing how my team is doing so well! However when someone interrupts my daily schedule on getting things done, THEN I'm unmotivated :P


My personal goal is to at least max Shootout Showdown every single day. What in the world was I taking when I set that goal x'D

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