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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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^ Reading this comic and giving my Poogle a new paint job have really made my Saturday Morning, thanks for sharing that Khaos.


By the way, here's my beloved Lippstik's new style. I always wanted her to be a Royalgirl-Faerie since early 2011, and I got my last dream pet accomplished.



I'm still looking for some more good trinkets and stuff that would go with my Poogle's new look and scenery, no NC ones please. I do have plans on getting a Floating Faerie Queen Doll the next time I score NC from the Expellibox by the way.

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Yay! My comic is good! Now to upload it to Ragestache and DamnLOL... :P


I really like your new Poogle makeover, its gone from a white usul to that. :) EVOLUTION


Thanks for liking my comic! :P

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>Day two of Modern Warfare 3 release

>School bus, 2:17 PM
















why is it that this franchise actually makes Anonymous look like decent people.

I was already beginning to not enjoy Call of Duty but these (now former) friends of mine just ensured it.

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^ Reading this comic and giving my Poogle a new paint job have really made my Saturday Morning, thanks for sharing that Khaos.


By the way, here's my beloved Lippstik's new style. I always wanted her to be a Royalgirl-Faerie since early 2011, and I got my last dream pet accomplished.



I'm still looking for some more good trinkets and stuff that would go with my Poogle's new look and scenery, no NC ones please. I do have plans on getting a Floating Faerie Queen Doll the next time I score NC from the Expellibox by the way.


She's gorgeous, Neomysterion! Poogles are one of my favorites. And her name is a reminiscence of my material best friend/s. xD


Congrats on achieving your last dream pet! (but are you completely sure it's your last? ;))

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^ Reading this comic and giving my Poogle a new paint job have really made my Saturday Morning, thanks for sharing that Khaos.


By the way, here's my beloved Lippstik's new style. I always wanted her to be a Royalgirl-Faerie since early 2011, and I got my last dream pet accomplished.



I'm still looking for some more good trinkets and stuff that would go with my Poogle's new look and scenery, no NC ones please. I do have plans on getting a Floating Faerie Queen Doll the next time I score NC from the Expellibox by the way.


Congrats on getting your dream paint job! Lippstik looks absolutely fabulous, btw. <3

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Kind of..? :P


My first one is bad... :( I'll post it anyways.




Badness. I'll continue making more. :D


(I did that one a long time ago, I didn't know that much about rage comics then)


EDIT: Here's my third one!




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@Jeppers: I noticed you were gone for a few days now.


@Khaos: Your first comic isn't bad at all, it's pretty decent if you ask me. I'm still looking forward to more.


@Everyone else: Thanks for all of the uplifting comments I've been hearing about Lippstik. She's my oldest pet in my possession, and I've rescued her from the Pound nearly since the creation of my account. For the dream pets thing, all of that may change if I come across a Magical Pirate Krawk Plushie or a Pirate Draik Egg from the Anchor Management and Forgotten Shore dailies (chances are unlikely). I'm currently happy with my set of LE pets:


Halloween Kiko- Painted like that solely for the Pumpkin Costume.

Darigan Hissi- Who I wanted to customize like Layton Vickles.

Royalgirl-Faerie Poogle- My dream cross-paint finally made true.

Grey Jetsam- Not an exact dream pet, but it was a very rare and lucky find at the pound nonetheless.


I'm willing to come across more cross-paint pets all around TDN, and I'd like to ask if anyone else owns a cross-paint pet around here.

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I would love a cross paint. How do you get one anyways? I thought if you paint a painted pet it erases the old color :S


Paint/zap your pet into a colour that provides wearable clothes (I.E.: Halloween, Christmas, Tyrannian, Royal, Zombie, Robot), and then turn your pet into a different colour that doesn't provide wearables (I.E.: Faerie, Darigan, Plushie, Grey, Magma, Water, etc.), and you now have a cross-paint pet!


Try saving up for a Halloween Paint Brush (first coat) and a Darigan Paint Brush (second coat) for your Xweetok, and you'll see what I mean.

You can also get a Royal Paint Brush (first coat) and a Faerie Paint Brush (second coat) as well if that strikes your fancy.

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