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Giovanni Gale

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This was about five or so years ago. From what I understand, all the schools in that area just decided to start later to avoid heat issues. Where I'm at now, the high school and all the lower grades just have half days or early dismal days for the first two weeks, also because of the heat.


Also, to the 40+ guests reading: Join TDN! What have you got to lose?

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Yes to the above!

Wow... we've actually never had severe heat problems. Here, it's usually just cold and the highest ever temperature was like 25C (degrees)

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But I find the weather fascinating! There's even a TDN law named after me that has to do with weather:


Spritzie's Law


This law takes effect when weather is mentioned and it spreads into a full blown topic. The primary way of starting this conversation is when someone (usually Spritzie) talks about how cold it is in the area, and then rants about it. Another person discusses the weather in their area, and it repeats until it becomes the main discussion.

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For the love of god, what is wrong with my school.


Today: Fight nearly breaks out; is only avoided by the other guy staying on the school bus.

The challenger is your stereotypical wannabe ghetto gangster black guy. The other guy is a small black boy who's scared out of his wits by this confrontation.

The apparent reason the wanna-be wants to fight the smaller guy is because he's asking his out sister out


and one of my bus-friends is being stressed out by an overload of school work

4 projects

Lots of homework

LONG HOMEWORK (ex: his pre-calc homework is usually at least 50 problems long)

said projects are all due on Friday


Dang it life, I was just about to start being an optimist again



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Awwh. :( OMIGOSH, GOOGLE IS STALKING US. All the best with school and everything. It doesn't make life much better but it's good, right? :laughingsmiley:


We had LAMDA examinations, and we were told to ask the examiner about the weather, like

Me: Good morning!

Examiner: Good morning is your name (so-and-so)?

Me: Yes.

Examiner: Please take a seat.

Me: Thank you, so, how are you finding Singapore weather? *insert polite smiley face*


Apparently, British people can "talk about the weather all day"!

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It doesn't matter how bad/good it tasted, my favorite Disney movie of all time is Bambi, so I felt awful when I found out. :sad01_anim: I know it's just a movie, but still, lol!


My favorite is chicken too, I find it the easiest type of meat to cook! 10 minutes on the pan and done! XD

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