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Giovanni Gale

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All it ever does here is rain too.



I think I've been CGed. I know I'm a bit hysterical riht now and in severe need of help, but Neopets logged me out of my side account all on it's own without my actually doing it. I requested my password and it gave me my OLD ONE. And I know very well that I changed that password so the password they sent me will not work.


I thought they'd let you reset your password if you forgot it! Because I seriously need to.


What do I do now?

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Our snow was gone pretty quickly. And I guess the rest of the week is supposed to be around 60 degrees. <_<


Give Nevada some love snow. I'll take the amount that'll get me a snow day


Definitely! I'll add you to my list for our next big snow storm.

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No but Singapore is mostly sunny.


And by sunny, I mean sticky-terrible-stinky-sweaty-uncomfortable kind of sunny. Okay, it's not that bad, our weather can be considered pleasant, actually. I like our weather, but I think it's sad that my sister and I saw snow at the same time - and her first snow was at 18!

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Normally, our summers are fairly consistent with mostly hot, but this last summer, almost every day, it went back and forth between hot and severe thunderstorms, multiple times a day.


Winter isn't any better. Some winter days it's freezing. Some days it's freezing and snowing. Some days it's 50-60 degrees and sunny.

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I hate the fall here more than I do winter or summer, but again, it's because of the inconsistency. One day it's 35 degrees and raining, the next it's 95 degrees with absolutely no clouds in the sky . . . the saying goes "if you don't like the weather here, just wait five minutes"

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hey hey hey.


Give Nevada some love snow. I'll take the amount that'll get me a snow day



"I'm outta here school, time to throw snowballs at my friends' faces"


Whoohoo Spongebob gif! :D


LOL nice. So...why do you all want snow? Don't you all hate it? I thought snow was bad.


We don't really have much of a spring or fall. It usually goes straight out of summer, into winter, and then straight back into summer


And my place has no winter and summer! There is just spring, goes straight into fall, then back to spring again. It almost never snows, and lately, even extreme heat waves have been rare! We have had virtually NO summer at all for the past couple of years!

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LOL nice. So...why do you all want snow? Don't you all hate it? I thought snow was bad.


And my place has no winter and summer! There is just spring, goes straight into fall, then back to spring again. It almost never snows, and lately, even extreme heat waves have been rare! We have had virtually NO summer at all for the past couple of years!


I think snow is more of a novelty to those that have either never gotten any, or don't get it often. My husband is from Florida and had never seen snow until he moved to Colorado. The first significant snow after he moved here, he was outside for 3 hours building a snowman with the neighbor. :rolleyes_anim:


Those of us who have dealt with a lot of snow (I've spent my whole life in Colorado), are tired of it and the cold and hassles that come with it.


That's honestly what I'd prefer. I'd rather live somewhere that's fairly mild all the time.

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I think snow is more of a novelty to those that have either never gotten any, or don't get it often. My husband is from Florida and had never seen snow until he moved to Colorado. The first significant snow after he moved here, he was outside for 3 hours building a snowman with the neighbor. :rolleyes_anim:


Those of us who have dealt with a lot of snow (I've spent my whole life in Colorado), are tired of it and the cold and hassles that come with it.


That's honestly what I'd prefer. I'd rather live somewhere that's fairly mild all the time.


Snow is a novelty to me, too, cos it seldom happens. We get half an inch of snow and schools are closed. :P And I can relate to your husband.


When I tell many others about my climate, everybody wants to live in my town immediately. Oh, I forgot to mention: ALL IT EVER DOES HERE IS RAIN!!!!!!!!!! That's why I want to move to California.

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I used to adore snow until I had to start driving in it. Plus, our college hardly ever closes due to weather and we commute to class (40 minutes away) so they won't cancel just because people in our town are snowed in . . . which means I miss class for no reason . . .


Luckily that hasn't happened yet but I could see it occurring.

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Same here. I always loved snow growing up, but now, I don't like driving in it, it makes me nervous.


I remember when I was younger, the superintendent of my school district was from Alaska. We almost never had snow days. He left and went back to Alaska years ago. He's still remembered for that. He passed away a few months ago, and there was an article in the local newspaper, mentioning that he was most well known for not calling snow days, due to being from Alaska and not being impressed by Colorado's snow storms.

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Yikes! I remember one day when all the parents were mad because our superintendent called classes due to heat one day, but not the next. Yet the next day it was even hotter and the air conditioning wasn't working at a lot of the schools . . .

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