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Giovanni Gale

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My old school had about 75 students. Waaay tiny. This year I transferred to a school an hour away with 400 kids, which is alot to me :yes:


If we're overthinking the WW avvie, then they should change it so you wish for 'Wishing Well Avatar' for 1mil nps at midnight. Someone's probably tried that, though.

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maybe you donate the cost of asparagus per kilogram for today while using the number six avatar?


Now all we have to do is get some super rich neopian to try it for us XD

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Maybe you refresh until you get it. :P



Btw, don't read this if you have plans to watch the AZ/CAR game.


YESSSSSS!!!!!!!! GO ARIZONA!!! KOLB! KOLB! KOLB!!! :D We have a quarterback again! :3

But good job to Cam Newton. Hes gonna be a great quarterback when he stops trying to run it so much.


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I'm still gonna go with the idea that you have to wish for a certain item and donate a certain amount of NP at a certain time. It's kind of long shot but psh whatever I suck at making guesses like these anyway :P


Ooh, maybe every user has a different time to wish/donate, like it is with the Magma Pool. Yeah. I'll go with that. :3

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Probably Wembly, knowing TNT is will probably be something like donate 1337 nps, run around in circles, reboot your computer twice, and visit tyrannia with 419 piles of dung in your inventory.

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My school has... *drumoll*


300 students. -_- It is 57 years old. :/

My school celebrated it's 110th 3 years ago...


Also, I think we have about 1050 student or something....

And my class has 38 people. :) The "norm" for us.


Eeeh, I'm sure it'll be something weird and complex, too. :(

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I forgot how old my high school is, it's pretty much over 125 years old last time I checked.

My classes used to have at least 25 people to at most 30 something students per class.

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I don't know how many were in my class. All my classes were a mix of all grades, depending on who signed up for what classes, and I didn't go to my graduation.


Over 38,000 people have graduated from my HS since it open though.

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No one is giving me ideas for a roleplay. Go to the topic! :P


Argh, I don't even know anymore. One of my so called "friends" keeps torturing me by telling me stuff that has my stomach in a knot. I shouldn't even be friends with them anymore.


I heard only one TNT member has the WW avvie. No one else. TNT said that they're overthinking it, but it's probably something like donate 1 NP and wish for a SuAP. xD

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I would try and give ideas for a RP but a.) I don't RP and b.) well, I don't know what would be a good roleplay idea. So yeah, I got nothing.

Ugh. I need to get to bed earlier. I've been taking naps quite frequently and that needs to stop. I should also find a quicker route to English, because I have French before that (the French room is one level below the English room and on the other side of the school) and I'm late every day. :/

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Same, or if I'm really tired. But it's gotten to the point where I'm taking naps when I'm barely tired, like when I napped on Saturday and today.

I feel like having an actual dinner because I didn't really eat much. Maybe I'll pop something in the microwave in a little bit. I barely even ate much the entire day so I'll kinda need some more food.

Let's see...I skipped breakfast, I had a soft pretzel and some cookies for lunch and had a tiny bit of pasta for dinner, as well as some caramel candies throughout the day.


Ugh. Anyway. I felt like crap all last night and for part of this morning. Mostly last night tho'. I do feel slightly better today :)

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Meh, I hate waking up in the morning. Which is ironic, because I used to wake up early every day. :3


I have the same for breakfast and dinner every day. Lunch, It varies since i by lunch at school.

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I only like waking up early on weekends. I usually wake up anywhere from 7:30-9:00, which is still pretty early considering I stay up past midnight almost every weekend. So waking up at 6 every morning that I have school is like waking up at the crack of dawn for me.

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Waking up in the morning? That's the old me, I sleep in the afternoons when I come back from my internships. I only wake up at 10PM or 11PM, I really feel worse when I wake up in the morning opposed to waking up at night.

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