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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yep, my first forum username was my neoname. I don't regret it, because I like to sign up for forums and whatnot with something that isn't derivative of my real name.

I especially like keeping my real name out of things like my tumblr URLs for some reason. (I only used my real name once in a tumblr URL, and that was only for a few days)

But now, virtually no one refers to me as "intheblue" or "blue," just my real name or derivatives of it.

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I used my real name in my forum name a few times, first it was rachel! then rachiee then Rach. then rachiee again.

I'm considering changing my name to something else, I'm getting quite bored of my current username /:


(if any of you have any suggestions please don't suggest any more derivatives of my real name kthxbaii)

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For forum names here, I name myself after some cartoon character, or just use (insert something here) Neomysterion.

By the way, I finally got my Halloween Kiko, took a lot of NP and patience to pull it off though: Here she is with that Plushie Clompkin I got from the Money Tree two months ago.

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Congrats on getting the Halloween PB, your Kiko looks really adorable. C:


also, I finally changed my name. Yay!


Thanks for the compliment Rach on my Kiko. Next up for me is a Royalgirl-Faerie Poogle, I'm going to save up again.


By the way, I'm going out to see Rango (or whatever than movie's called) at my mom's workplace in a few minutes, I wonder if it's any good?

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I want a Pirate/Faerie Poogle one of these days. Hopefully I'm lucky enough to win a pirate PB from Anchor Management (because I still don't have enough NP for one) and I also hope Faerie PB prices will go down again.

(at one point not too long ago the cheapest ones were 750-800k, but now the cheapest one is like, 950k. :( Maybe I should've bought them when they were cheap, but then I would've had only 400k left...)

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congrats on the Halloween kiko Ren & Stimpy, and good luck pyrope with your goal, my goal is a royal draik, I have 320,000nps/19,500,000 or 1.6% not bad for a person who just went broke buying the SLM 3 days ago....

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Darn, this topic hasn't been active in over a day, how's everyone?


By the way, I wish you luck on your endeavour of getting a Royal Draik 48066. Getting the Draik Egg or MP is the most expensive part, keep on playing those games until you get the NP for the Draik Egg! ;)

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Darn, this topic hasn't been active in over a day, how's everyone?


By the way, I wish you luck on your endeavour of getting a Royal Draik 48066. Getting the Draik Egg or MP is the most expensive part, keep on playing those games until you get the NP for the Draik Egg! ;)


I'm doing good. And I know, right? Nobody really seems to be posting much latley :is hoping this forums doesn't become dead:.

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I like it when the HOP is really, really active...sadly, it's kind of rare when that happens, and when it does, it's usually around 8-11 PM my time. :(


So, uhh, HOP-goers, how has the weather been lately? /cannot start a conversation to save her life

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TDN's not that dead if you ask me, another forum I go called Another General Forum (once known as ChatSource) has been feeling inactive these days since the new owner bought the site. I feel like the only person keeping that forum alive. :P

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School is starting for a lot of members, so things tend to become more quiet for awhile while everyone gets into the swing of back-to-school.


Weather-wise, we just got hit with a huge thunderstorm out of nowhere. There were hardly any clouds in the sky, then it was pouring, and the wind was blowing the rain sideways.


And I believe we've still having aftershocks from Monday's earthquake in southern Colorado.

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It's pretty cloudy where I am, and I have to go back to job training in less than two weeks from now (since I no longer go to school). Time does go by pretty fast now that you come to think of it. o_O


Nonetheless, I'll still be active as always.

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I was out of state when the earthquake hit. I find it kinda weird that the epicenter of that quake was in Virginia, which isn't on any plate boundary. (Not sleeping in Earth Science pays off, eh?)


Anyway, it's pretty sunny with some clouds right now. Earlier today, it was raining pretty hard, and I think that it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow. Then it's going to rain over the weekend then get sunny again. I don't understand New York weather at all.

I really hope it doesn't rain tomorrow because I want to make a trip to the craft store to pick up a few things...that is, if one of my parents lets me do so. :)


Also, I just realized that school starts back in less than two weeks. All I've done this summer was derp around on Neopets, tumblr and here, read Homestuck, watch Degrassi and work on random art projects. I did pick at my assignments (just a little bit) earlier this summer and now I'll really have to buckle down because most of them are barely done. :( I have a lot of regrets because I was given two months to do everything, and my procrastination has gone way too far. Oh well, welcome to high school I guess.


I hope I can still be active here during the school year. If I get a study hall then that's pretty much a given, but if I don't get a study hall then chances are I won't be on the 'net as much as I usually am.



Wow, I think this is the longest post I've made in a while :P

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For some odd reason, I didn't even feel a bit of that earthquake, and I'm in the Northeastern US. I don't know if was unaware of it, I didn't notice any damage from that quake where I live.

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Ooooh earthquake talk!

I live in New Zealand and my city (Christchurch in case you were intrigued) has had three major earthquakes over the last year which has destroyed our city.

Last year there was a magnitude 7.1 at 30km/18 miles deep. It occured at 4am though and thankfully nobody was killed, and mostly old building were damaged.

This year in February there was a magnitude 6.3 at 10km/6 miles deep located 3km/1.8 miles away from central city. I was in central city at the time and it was probably the most horrible thing I ever experienced. Buildings exploded from the pressure and the ground cracked right next to me. I also saw a few people die.

There was another magnitude 6.3 in June in which I was in my house. I was in my hallway when it struck and so I was luckily right next to a doorframe, but standing in it was almost impossible. The house moved so much that I was only trying to hug one side of the doorframe but it was moving away from me at almost arms length.


To anyone who is experiencing earthquakes stay safe. I'm sure you won't get as many aftershocks as us. (10,000 + and still going)



As for school - my school year finishes in 8 weeks. :D

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8 weeks? You guys must be pretty over there at NZ.

Most kids go back to school two or three days after Labour Day if I remember correctly.

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I start on the 7th, two days after Labor Day. Unlike last year, I'm not going to get two days off right after school begins because Rosh Hashanah comes later on that month. (In my area, we have days off on the Jewish holidays.)

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