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Giovanni Gale

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When it was just me, I never went all out with cooking. I pretty much lived on cereal, grilled chicken, burgers, and then food out. :laughingsmiley:


I always loved making french toast and enchiladas, but I haven't made either in years. (I told my husband I'd make him my grandma's recipe for french toast for our 2 anniversary, but he ended up making me his mom's french toast instead.)

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Oh, I forgot that I can also make pancakes and grilled cheese. But whenever I make grilled cheese, it is really greasy and fattening. So I usually let my mom make grilled cheese if I want it- she doesn't use as much butter as I do. :P

The next thing I want to learn how to make is french toast. I'm pretty sure it isn't all that hard to make, but I rarely have anything for breakfast that isn't cereal.


I need to learn how to cook more stuff because I don't want my diet to consist almost entirely of pasta, frozen entrees and cereal when I get older :laughingsmiley:

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Whenever I go out to breakfast I usually order a waffle with powdered sugar and end up eating less than half of it. That can probably be because I always order a hot chocolate with breakfasts regardless of whether it's -10 or 100 degrees outside. ^_^

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I always enjoyed drinking hot chocolate during the winter season, but I've been more of a chocolate milk and coffee type of person myself.

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I don't like chocolate milk as much as regular milk. /:

Whenever I'm making hot cocoa at home, I usually put in two packets, fill the cup about halfway and barely stir it. Why? I LOVE the hot cocoa "sludge" at the bottom of the glass. (The hot, wet and slightly clumpy part)

I put in two packets of cocoa because adding just one packet makes it taste kind of bland. (to me, anyway)

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I also drink hot chocolate in the summer and slurpees in the winter, also I cant stand the sludge at the bottom of HC, so I stir my Hot Cocoa forever.

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I've been fond of the chocolately "sludge" at the bottom of my chocolate milk and hot chocolate glasses. I never had a Slurpee in my entire life, probably since I never go to 7-Eleven very much.

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Milk and I don't get along and I don't really like chocolate that much so not so much me getting super excited about hot chocolate, sorry friends.


You know what I saw in the grocery store today that I really should have bought for breakfast was Alphabits cereal. I haven't had those in so long! Apparently its a different recipe then it used to be though sadly.

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I don't think I've ever had Alphabits (if so, it's been ages), and I've never had a Slurpee. I've never even set foot in a 7-11 :laughingsmiley:

This is kind of random yet still relating somewhat to what I'm talking about, but I've also never set foot in a Wawa. It's kind of surprising considering I've been to South Jersey quite a few times (mostly around the Shore) and I think they're like, everywhere around there. xP

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I used to enjoy Alpha-Bits when I was a kid, I liked the ones with the marshmallows in it. I've been fond of cereals with marshmallows in them, hence being a guy for Cap'n Crunch and a good number of chocolately cereals.

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I used to love (and eat pretty much nothing but) sugary cereals for breakfast when I was younger. I remember always picking out the marshmallows in a box of Lucky Charms and then, a few days later, I'd have a box of nothing but toasted oats. :laughingsmiley:

Since then, my palate has expanded and I've developed a taste for less-sugary cereals like Cheerios. (Cheerios used to be my least favourite cereal and now they're my favourite cereal, ever). I still like eating sugary cereals every now and then though.


BTW, does anyone else remember the Neopets cereal? I forget what it was called but it came out around 2006, was made by General Mills and tasted like berries.

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I've also never set foot in a Wawa. It's kind of surprising considering I've been to South Jersey quite a few times (mostly around the Shore) and I think they're like, everywhere around there. xP

:ohno: That is not acceptable, oh no it is not. Seriously, next time you are near one you definitely need to go in there. Amazing made to order subs, smoothies, mac n cheese, soup and oh so much more. I guarantee you will not be sorry.

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@ Khaos: Sadly, no :( I haven't seen it in stores since...April 2006 or something. Neopets needs to renew their sponsorship with General Mills so I can get my Neopets cereal and feel like I'm 8 years old again. :P

Also, a Wawa is a gas station/convenience store chain with locations mainly in South Jersey, Pennsylvania, that general area. Unfortunately, there are none in New York, let alone North Jersey D:

@ Wembly: Next time I'm in South Jersey, I'll nag my parents to stop at a Wawa. :D How about that?

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They hav Neo cereal? :O I want it. :P Do they still make it? :q


I've been to 7-11 i think one time, and have no idea what a Wawa is :worried:


I used to remember having Neopets Islandberry Crunch when I was in my teen years. It tasted too much like Trix Cereal in my opinion. Here's the box:



I thought that it'd be a lot like Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries, but I guess not.


Ironically, I have two empty boxes of them in my closet after 5 or so years. :P

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I have two empty boxes of them in my closet after 5 or so years. :P


srsly? If I wanted to keep my empty box of Neopets cereal, my parents probably wouldn't have let me .-.

( When I was 8 (and possibly 9) I went through a hoarding phase where I kept just about everything I could cram into my closet and my corner of the living room /: )

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You know what I saw in the grocery store today that I really should have bought for breakfast was Alphabits cereal. I haven't had those in so long! Apparently its a different recipe then it used to be though sadly.


You should have! That was my favorite cereal when I was younger. I loved the marshmallow one. I'd totally forgotten about it until I saw the regular one at Walmart a year ago. I haven't seen the marshmallow one anywhere though. I wonder if they still make it.

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Post now makes alphabits cereal and I just checked their website and it doesn't show the ones with marshmallows on it, they supposedly changed the recipe so its now made with whole grains and such so I guess they stopped making the ones with marshmallows.

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