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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Thanks guys...I think I just need a break from people for a while. I get frustrated too easily.


Been working on my stress by writing out my thoughts and philosophy in a journal. I talked to my new therapist today, and she suggested that part of my problem is that I have unique and uncommon ideas, and want people to really understand them. But since most people don't think the way I do, I haven't succeeded in convincing many people. This problem was exemplified by my extreme dislike of the Harry Potter movie, where everyone else loved it. I wanted everyone to understand why I didn't like it, but got frustrated and overwhelmed.


At least I have cheesecake. *throws at everyone* *noms*

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*catches cheesecake & noms hungrily*


I haven't had cheesecake in forever & a day! Maybe I can pick some up later when I go grocery shopping.



Oh, speaking of, I'm not the best cook in the world (my husband actually cooks in our house & enjoys doing so) & he's leaving for 2 weeks for work.


What should I get at the store that will sustain me, be easy to make (preferably in the microwave), & is semi-healthy/not junk food?



& I have some Ramen, so I've got that part covered.

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We made Italian cheesecake (not New York style) so I hope you like that sort! :D


Well, I guess it depends on which store you're going to - for quick and relatively healthy stuff, I like American Flatbreads (frozen) and Annie's Macaroni and Cheese. My family grocery shops at Whole Foods though, so if you have on in your area, that's where I'd recommend :)

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*catches cheesecake & noms hungrily*


I haven't had cheesecake in forever & a day! Maybe I can pick some up later when I go grocery shopping.



Oh, speaking of, I'm not the best cook in the world (my husband actually cooks in our house & enjoys doing so) & he's leaving for 2 weeks for work.


What should I get at the store that will sustain me, be easy to make (preferably in the microwave), & is semi-healthy/not junk food?



& I have some Ramen, so I've got that part covered.


We're the same way. My husband is the cook. He loves it and is good at it, so I'm no longer allowed in the kitchen. :laughingsmiley: Who knows how I ever made it all those years before I married. him.

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We're the same way. My husband is the cook. He loves it and is good at it, so I'm no longer allowed in the kitchen. :laughingsmiley: Who knows how I ever made it all those years before I married. him.

Lol! Wierd. aren't the girls usually the cooks in the family? I could take any excuse i could get to get my mom to let me not cook. When I'm in college, i wouldnt mind fast food everyday ;)

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The only thing I do in our house where food is involved is baking because it's harder for me to mess that up :)


& actually, in my husband's family, his dad (my father-in-law) is also the one who does the cooking, so he always felt like it was just supposed to be that way.


Meanwhile, my dad's idea of making dinner when I was growing up was driving to McDonald's or something . . .

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Lol! Wierd. aren't the girls usually the cooks in the family? I could take any excuse i could get to get my mom to let me not cook. When I'm in college, i wouldnt mind fast food everyday ;)


Not really anymore. It used to be that way, probably more because that was seen as the way society was supposed to be. Like how the women were often expected to stay home and cook/clean/raise the kids. Now, it's often not that way. Actually, with my husband and I, I've been working most of the time, and he stays home and deals with everything. (I'd much rather work than deal with home stuff)


The only thing I do in our house where food is involved is baking because it's harder for me to mess that up :)


& actually, in my husband's family, his dad (my father-in-law) is also the one who does the cooking, so he always felt like it was just supposed to be that way.


Meanwhile, my dad's idea of making dinner when I was growing up was driving to McDonald's or something . . .


I can cook, and used to, but I don't enjoy it. He enjoys it. Plus, I'm a baker. I love it and I'm good at it, he's.... not so much.


Growing up, my dad was more of the cook. (He almost went to a culinary school.)

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I cant cook to save my life unless you're hungry for ramen, cereal, or something involving a toaster. :3





Btw, I finally figured out how to make myself a spiffy userlookup. :3

And I finally upgraded my gallery so I could put in my AC prizes. Gonna have to upgrade it more to get the mugs in though.

Also, I finally bought a Kiko Lake Team Jersey. ^^

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I can cook things from a box. Mostly though, I'm good at eating :D I'm like the fox...I let the little red hen do all the work, and then i go and eat the bread :laughingsmiley:

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I'm not good with the oven, I'm only good at microwaving things like chicken and hot dogs when no one's home.


By the way, I hope things went out for the best for Spritzie yesterday on her birthday.

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Cereal has always been my lazy fall-back.


Thank you :D It was a good day. I got to spend it with my husband, and got calls from family, as well as a friend of mine that I haven't been able to read in awhile.

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So, like I've slept for 14 hours now and have completely caught up on all the sleep I've missed during band camp. :laughingsmiley:


I checked the random contest; I didn't win first or second.... so, how do I figure out if I won third by some chance? :mellow:

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So, like I've slept for 14 hours now and have completely caught up on all the sleep I've missed during band camp. :laughingsmiley:


I checked the random contest; I didn't win first or second.... so, how do I figure out if I won third by some chance? :mellow:


It's great to see you return Doc. How was everything when you were gone?

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I checked the random contest; I didn't win first or second.... so, how do I figure out if I won third by some chance? :mellow:


There's no trophy on your lookup, do you have the avatar? :)


The new one looks cool, I might actually enter it. Daisy or Schiden would make amusing Defenders of Neopia. :P

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So I'm back from my little vacation...I took lots and lots of pictures. :D And I went on Neopets, listened to Nyan Cat + played some Robot Unicorn Attack when I finally figured out the wifi password in the house. XD

Oh, and happy belated birthday Spritzie <33 hope it was great!

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And I went on Neopets, listened to Nyan Cat + played some Robot Unicorn Attack when I finally figured out the wifi password in the house. XD




Have you guy seen this?



I wish I could play like that :laughingsmiley:

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I've seen that before- that's some dang good violin playing. :O

I used to know how to play violin (on a beginner level, probably) but I quit orchestra before I started 5th grade...the reason why I quit kinda embarrasses me xP

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Ugh I know right? I'm so envious. I have my own video game music youtube channel, but compared to Nyan Cat, my stuff's laughable :P


Aww, why's it embarrassing? I've almost quit orchestra dozens of times, but 11 years later, i'm still playing. Kinda weird :laughingsmiley:

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Well...I quit 'cause I cut orchestra class (to go to a class other than orchestra, I wasn't committing truancy) about three times (over the span of three weeks) in fourth grade. My orchestra teacher at the time (who was kind of a female dog, thank god she's retired now) sent a letter home to my parents regarding my cutting class and they weren't happy at all. I was grounded for a week...and that's the only time I've ever been grounded to date. Needless to say it was pretty ineffective considering I was 9 at the time and I really only went out to get books or office supplies. :P


There, I said it. :D

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Wow...you could cut class in 4th grade? o_O Then again, I spent most of my 4th grade in a closet in the back of the room, attaching lighbulbs to a hand-generator, and blowing them up :rolleyes_anim:


Another video I found. Jesus I have no life

Morshu becomes a Pirate?


And another one

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If I was able to pull it off three times then I guess it's possible. XD Obviously I wouldn't recommend cutting class as early as fourth grade.

Of course, no one would suspect that a fourth grader would be off skipping one of his or her classes to go to a different one...:whistle:

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