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Giovanni Gale

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Fireworks in town were canceled due to rain . . . bleh


Still, we set off a bunch of smoke bombs & things. One of my friends took a few pictures of us playing around & being stupid . . . may make one my new profile picture once she uploads them :)

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For awhile I was really worried, almost paranoid my mom was assuming the worst with this guy I like. Every celebrity I've liked I've always gotten angry if they are in a relationship. With this guy, it's different because there's only so much us fans can do. He needs somebody with him at all times to support him. I'm very happy he has that. I know how it feels to be lonley it's never fun. So my mom told me that she doesn't assume I get angry with him at all about that. She actually said "Naamah, I actually think he sets a very good example for people, you have every right to adore him." I love this guy....even my mom said "He is a nice person."

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Lulz, we had rain and lightning but our fireworks werent cancelled. :P

When all the car alarms were going off it made me think of my dream of someday having a car with a horn that goes "GIRL OH NO YOU DI'ENT" :3

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On our 4th we have a huge party and invite all our friends out to a cookout. We spend waaaaaaaay too much money on fireworks and shoot them off for a good two hours. All of our neighbors come out with EVEN MORE fireworks and we just shoot 'em all night. It's freaking wonderful :laughingsmiley:


The only bad part is, that my grandpa died on July 4th last year (R.I.P.) :(

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That sounds freaking awesome! :D

Sorry about your grandpa though. :(


It is. Us and our neighbors buy all the BIG stuff like ya see at the parades and little celebrations for whole towns. We do it for one little neighborhood. :laughingsmiley:


Thanks. It's ok, now. :)

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It's really freakin' awesome. :D


The only bad part is, our neighbors up on the corner are really freaky religious. Like, they got banned from our house. I'm not saying me and my bro are necissarily "good" but we are not gonna change their kids. They're already messed up and their parents don't do anything to stop it, and just blame us. :grrr:

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I know a kid who's parents are so religious that they make him wear a purity ring. Random fact about Naamah: I've had chronic back problems since early middle school. One time I asked my teacher "Can I please go get a heating pad, my back is killing me" and they said "No." and I told them "Look, I've been having back problems since I was 12, if you don't believe me call my mom." and they said "That would be silly because all you did was sleep wrong." That's stupid! I even have a refferal for surgery! I must have been sleeping wrong since I was not even a teenager.


And right after that, they let some girl who was crying her eyes out because her boyfriend dumped her go home.


Speaking of school oh my freaking God am I done with that school and my own home! I was talking to my mom this morning and she kept shushing me so I asked "What's the big deal?!" and she said "If you wake your brother up I'll be very angry at you." This reminds me of this kid I'll be in Summer school with. Last year when he had to get on the bus he would scream "IGIGIGIGIGI!!!!!" like he was demonically possesed. The mud was bad that year, and my driver asked politley "Is there any way you can drive to the end of the road, I don't want to get into an accident" and this woman said "Well to friggin bad! You're picking my son up right here!" If I were a parent of any kind of kid and they refused to get up I'd say "Hey! Get your lazy arse(is that allowed here?) up, get on the bus, or you are in big trouble missy/mister!" I guess it's good I can't have kids...


"Spare the rod, spoil the child..."

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I'm glad there were no fireworks planned for yesterday. We got hit all over town by a huge thunderstorm. Hopefully the weather will hold today. My husband and I are going to go to a place near our apartment that has a clear view of the fireworks display after work.

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I am moving out in 3 years, it's decided. I can't take it anymore! I don't have anyone to talk to that I share a common intrest with outside of TDN. My OT who is too happy for her own good wants me to be friends with kids at school next year. How am I suppose to be friends with a buncha Speds who don't talk?! My mom doesn't want me to be friends with the girls in the Alt room who get sent home after crying their eyes out over a breakup, and they don't wanna put me in the regular school.


Since this is a random thread I'm going to say some random crap. I just learned about 10 profane sayings in my second language. I told my mom and she said "That's really immature" Well so what if it is? Get the heck over it. People are going to be immature no matter what. There's no way to stop it.


I've been more hyper latley and more happy and my mom said "I'm starting to wonder if you are Bipolar, this isn't the Naamah I know." and I said "Well that's too bad because I'm not, don't choose my persona for me, don't tell me who I am or who I'm not, and DO NOT put words in my mouth because they are only lies."

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I'm excited now. Forget the town fireworks! My husband just gave our neighbors some firewood we didn't need & in return, they gave us a bunch of firecrackers! For once I'm grateful we live in the country. & they're shooting off fireworks tonight too, so we can watch them either from our front porch or go over & join them :)

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My therepast always says I'm afraid to hear the truth. One time I called her a vulgar word and she said it wasn't okay to call her that. That must mean she's afraid to hear the truth.

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By the way Manta, is that a real sword? I always thought it was the ones you get at the toy stores.

I had a toy sword when I was 10 or something. I'm not into owning real weapons in my house. :P


Both the sword in my profile picture, and the sword I posted in this thread are real. Neither are sharpened, but they are real swords :D

When I have a job, I think I'll set aside money to buy more swords for myself. I really enjoy collecting them, but it's an expensive hobby.


Happy 4th! No fireworks here, but i'm at a spiritual/yoga/relaxation place for the week, so that's to be expected, I guess :)

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