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Giovanni Gale

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I went to Disneyland once, when I was 6. And Disney World when I was 18.


Growing up, I only went on 4 large trips with my family: California when I was 6, New York when I was 7, Alaska when I was 16/17, and Florida when I was 18.


After that, I went on 2 cruises with my dad (LA to Cabo San Lucas, and Miami to the Bahamas) when I was 22 and 23.

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I went to Disney World when I was 6, and Disney Land when I was in middle school. :D My family used to travel a LOT to dental conventions across the country, so I've been to nearly every state. We haven't traveled so much recently though. When I graduate college, I'd like to go overseas and travel across Europe. A bunch of my facebook friends are all posting about their Europe travels, and I'm really envious!! :wub_anim:

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All the traveling my family did, was mostly driving stuff, so I've been to the surrounding states, like New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, etc. I think I've probably only been to about 15 states.

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Driving trips are fun - my family drove cross-country when I was 5, and that was pretty awesome. I still have all my Junior Ranger badges somewhere from Yellowstone and Arches and Natural Bridges :laughingsmiley:


I'd really love to take a boat trip though; never been on a cruise or anything like that.

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Wow I've gotta stay more active in this forum . . . seems I've missed a lot.


Dunno if it's been said already, but what are everyone's plans this summer, aside from Altador Cup of course?


I'm mostly staying busy at home and taking a break from college courses, but I am helping my husband with homework for license to preach school in July.

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Ooh, that's cool! :D I love Arizona. My mom is hoping to plan a trip to Sedona this summer, but it's kinda up in the air at the moment. I really hope we get to go though; Sedona is one of my favorite places ^_^


Other than that, i'm trying to get a job, but not having much success. :laughingsmiley:

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My uncle and cousin live in AZ. We went to Winslow twice because my mom's best friend's parents lived there. Then my cousin lives in Tucson. I visited there twice with my grandparents, flying once and driving once.


I'd be careful in certain parts of AZ for awhile. We still have really bad air quality here from the fires in AZ.

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I want to go to Arizona, but I think that's waaaaay out of the question this summer. xD I'll be going on three trips (as far as I know of, I'll be free for most of July though) over the summer as it is. o:


Anyway, my plans for this summer are to:

-read a mythology book, To Kill A Mockingbird and Cry, the Beloved Country for school and not go insane while doing summer assignments

-get more fit, as I want to play sports sometime next year

-go to summer camp for at least one week- this will probably be pretty hard because I'll be traveling throughout most of the summer

-start writing a story that I've been developing for a year

-finish a NT series that I've been working on for a week (chances are I won't submit it over the summer because it's about the Altador Cup- I'd rather submit it sometime during ACVII)

-get more allowance

-be able to read for pleasure

-(maybe) get guitar lessons/learn how to play guitar (lol I've had a guitar for nearly 2 years and don't know squat about playing xP)

-brush up on piano (I'm teaching myself how to play~)

-write a few songs

-take drag my friends to the mall (maybe, this will be hard considering most of my friends abhor shopping)


Next summer I'll consider applying for a job. As much as I want to start working this summer, I can't because the minimum working age in NY is 14 with working papers. Also, most people usually don't believe I'm 13, but I can't be dishonest about my age...it's just not right. :/

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Ooh, I'm working on my guitar-playing too! :D My brother and friends are all music majors, so they're gonna teach me music theory. *is a bio major* I kinda want to get a microphone too so I can start recording the songs I write.

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I'm still at Rank 4...I barely did anything because I was generally busy today. I wanna get at least Rank 5 before the Cup ends...which will be pretty awesome since this is the first Cup I'm actually taking seriously. =P

In other news, I'm technically a freshman now...as I already graduated middle school. :O Yaaay!

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*is way behind on the altador cup*


I'll race someone to 50 SOSD if anyone wants to...I need to play a bit more :laughingsmiley:

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I just had one of the most awkward nights of my life. ^_^


Lol what happened? :laughingsmiley:


I'm so tired...I keep waking up at like 9am and not getting enough sleep. It's summer now, I should be sleeping till 11!! :rolleyes_anim:

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Pffft, Mel, DC gonna be on top before you know it. b)




@Manta - Lulz, just a date with very little talking before and after a movie. Although there was an interesting car ride that involved a kim possible ringtone and a mom that was like "Wow... Really? -_-" 8D

Btw, Green Lantern = bad movie. Meh. =/



And i'm jealous. I havent been able to wake up before 11. :P

I'm used to being up at 5 no matter how late I go to sleep. T-T








Btw, there was an AZ conversation earlier. Us AZers are just that cool. b)

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Yeah DC!! :king:


Ooh a date!! That's cute :D I'm sorry the movie wasn't good though :/ Lol I need a social life. I haven't been on a date...ever, haha. :laughingsmiley:


Bleh, 5? o-O That's crazy. Yeah, it's weird because i used to be able to go to bed whenever, and sleep as much as i needed. But now i'm going to bed around 1-2, and waking up around 8 or 9, and still exhausted. It sucks :(


Well, I caught snowy, so it's off to bed for me! :laughingsmiley:

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Woo! ^^


Cute? :P

And lol, its okay, I dont have much of a social life either. xP


Lulz, I got to bed at the same time but usually wake up around mid-day. :P


'Night. xD

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