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Oooooohhhh who was it?! That is so cool!! I wanna have another dream about TDN peoples.


I don't have dreams about TDN very often, suprisingly. Maybe one or two people from TDN every week or so, but not more than that. -shrug-


Unfortunately Spritzie, it seems Jasper is avoiding us all at the moment. xD


How dare he! :( How can he efficiently avoid you though?


*joins you on the 'I do not write well' table* Don't worry, you're not alone there. :P




*cough* Just Livvy, just Livvy. :shiftyeyes_anim:


Ugh. Come on Theo. Remember? We all know better. You can't fool us.


*pokes Theo angrily* LIES.


More lies. :angry: WE got into the NT. Not just me.


See? Livvy was involved. She'd know the truth better than any of us.


And I usually don't remember those dreams but I just twitch like I had that dream and then wake up all annoyed that my body just spazed.


I generally don't remember my dreams. I wake up knowing I had a dream. I don't remember anything about it, but I have a general feeling. If it was a bad dream, I wake up feeling uneasy.


Over the summer I had a nightmare that my cellphone went off... xD


I'm that way. I'm so panicked about my phone going off that I wake up tons of times, before my alarm goes off on my cell. And I almost always wake up right before it goes off, with just enough time to turn it off.


I'm that way. I'm so panicked about my phone going off that I wake up tons of times, before my alarm goes off on my cell. And I almost always wake up right before it goes off, with just enough time to turn it off.


Well how considerate of you. Your husband must be very thankful. My mom on the other hand, will wake up and forget to shut it off and put her phone in the hall way while she's in the shower so it goes off and both my dad and I just whine for it to shut up since it not near either of us. Very mean.


Lol, my alarm goes off around 6 and I ususally wake up at 4:10, go back to sleep, and then I wake up again around 5:30 and just wait til 6ish. It's a great time to think without interuption.


Well how considerate of you. Your husband must be very thankful. My mom on the other hand, will wake up and forget to shut it off and put her phone in the hall way while she's in the shower so it goes off and both my dad and I just whine for it to shut up since it not near either of us. Very mean.


It doesn't affect him at all. I could let it go off for 30 minutes straight and he wouldn't stir. I have to practically shake him and yell his name. And even then, I get a mumbled response. He's why I get up with 50 minutes to leave. I could be ready in 10-20. But it takes me 30 minutes to wake him. :laughingsmiley:



Lol, my alarm goes off around 6 and I ususally wake up at 4:10, go back to sleep, and then I wake up again around 5:30 and just wait til 6ish. It's a great time to think without interuption.


Mine goes off at 5:30-ish. But depending on when I made it to bed, I'll start waking up around 3am. Then 3:30, 4, 4:30, 5, and I call it quits most mornings by 5:15.


I hate alarms that much. It's like my body knows it, and purposefully makes itself wake up often enough that I can shut it off when it gets close.


My alarm is the harry potter theme so its pretty gentle. I think the phone's vibration wakes me up more than the music but its gentle and calming to wake up to.


I would love to wake up to music but I don't have an alarm like that.

I would wake myself up with Riot by TDG on April 1st. :P


Never had a veggie burger. If I wanted one I could probably just go mow the lawn and eat the cut grass, though. That's about the same thing, i've heard. -shrug-

Not true

I've eaten them, they are pretty tasty actually


Mine is just one of the basic ringtones that comes with my phone. It's pretty, but I still would rather wake up on my own. I'm more alert that way.


I use some weird app that tracks my sleep cycles as I sleep. But the vibration from my phone wakes me up more than the noise I think. I've slept through my alarm too many times through. :D The noises it makes just annoy me to no end.


I will agree with you there. Waking up on your own definitely helps the being alert process but unfortunately I cannot rely on myself to wake up in a timely fashion without it. Case and point, me going to set me alarm now as I take a nap before church so I don't sleep through it :rolleyes_anim:


Yeah. Aparrently the app is supposed to wake me up at the lightest point in my sleep cycle or whatever...but usually I just go back to sleep. :D Which explains why I usually set two alarms. :laughingsmiley:


I always set me alarm. But if I wake up a short amount of time before it goes off, I'll turn it off and stay up. It makes me feel better for most of the day. But recently, I've been so exhausted, I get woken up the alarm.


Veggie burgers = delicious. But not terribly healthy.


Whenever I set my cell as an alarm, I almost always wake up shortly before it sounds so I can turn it off. My body doesn't like alarms either. :P


I had a dream too! For the past several weeks I've been having dreams almost every other night, but I only have a vague impression of what happened in them.


Alarms are evil. *nods* I want one of those alarms that starts out very quiet when it goes off, then slowing increases in volume so that you wake up at the lowest volume possible. And it keeps getting louder until you shut it off.


My alarm during the summer was The Game by Motorhead, which is Triple H's theme (you won't know him unless you watch WWE).


*I removed it cause I just noticed that it has a swear in it*


And yet it still couldn't wake me up....


It depends for me. In 2008/2009, I slept lightly enough, that having my phone on my desk, on vibrate, would wake me up. I was not amused when I was sick and by 9 am, my phone would have buzzed due to text messages, at least 6-7 times.

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