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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yeah, nevermind that bugs balance the ecosystem and function as a vital part to our world. We should just get rid of them all :P


That's the right mindset Will. Nice to see that you agree. :P

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Thanks, guys. Now I feel really old!


Pffft. There's no such things as old here, or on Neopets. :yes: So how old are you? (If you don't mind me asking.)


And the law takes effect again!


I was thinking the same thing. :laughingsmiley: I can't help it.


Yeah, nevermind that bugs balance the ecosystem and function as a vital part to our world. We should just get rid of them all :P


See? That's the idea! Glad to have you agreeing with our POV.


I like moths better than butterflies.


Not sure why.


I hate moths. They're so nasty and some years, we get massive numbers of them. You see birds dive-bombing at traffic lights were the moths hang out during the day.


My cat loves the moths though. He thinks they're tasty. :sick01:


That's the right mindset Will. Nice to see that you agree. :P


That's what I thought too.

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Btw, you know what I just found out? Jn has a word minimum in their games forum. D:


Meh. I don't really care. I'm not active there unless there's a HAMS invasion (like there is now).

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Just tried to suss out what HAMS was from the other threads, still a tad confused, but anything involving squirrels and meepits has to be a good thing! Squirrel is something else I used to get called too come to think of it...weird!

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HAMS - the historical alliance of meepits and squirrels...

I'm a Meepit Soldier, and you can join if you want @Sofa

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I was born in '97.

Why are we all talking about this? xD


Cause we can talk about whatever here. If you want, I can move the topic onto the subject of weather....


My sister plays. She's 28 now and has been playing since she was 19. (She started a few months after I started.)

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