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Spritzie, they're absolutely beautiful! How did you come to own foxes?


They just showed up. One year, we started seeing foxes all over the neighborhood. One day, as my mom was leaving home, she saw one run through our fence into the backyard and told me to go look. When I walked out back, I thought there was a kitten standing by the shed. It was a baby fox, but it was so young, it's nose was short. Then the mom walked around the corner, barked at me, and ran away. I hung out for a bit, and eventually a bunch of the babies came out. I think I counted 5-6 babies all out at one time.


After that, we watched for them every year.


I always loved watching them. One year, my dad set up a platform for them to play on. They loved it. (I have pictures, but it was night, so you can barely see anything.) And my sister's cat would lay in front of the door to the porch and watch them tumbling around on the porch.


I'm surprised the cat wasn't utterly freaked out by them. My old cat used to lose his mind if so much as a squirrel or a bird was in the front yard. I think he would have had an epileptic seizure if foxes came by.


Rio was a calm cat. Nothing bothered him, or got him all that riled up. He'd be at the vet's, playing on the floor with the dogs. My cat, on the other hand, is scared of EVERYTHING. He loves watching the birds, but he'll flatten himself, as if they could see him though the blinds. :laughingsmiley:


Pigeons aren't very interesting. The most captivating thing about them is the various colors that you can find on their neck (usually purple or teal), kinda like graphitti.


Other than that, there isn't much. Since NY is mostly concrete and has nearly no woodland or such, you can't find many animals. Heading towards NJ though are a fair amount of deer.


My co-worker saw a bobcat this morning, by the work buildings. They have mountain lions, bobcats, wolves, deer, etc by work.


We just have birds and people's cats and dogs, Nothing too special around my area.


Since I live in the mountains, sorta, things can be interesting. I remember when I was in middle school, we had a mountain lion showing up on the playground of a grade school up the street from my house. (My friend and I actually found its footprints in my backyard.)


We have quails that walk around the neighborhood. They're pretty cute. I saw two javalinas in my neighbor's yard once. Those things are a bit scary.


I saw two javalinas in my neighbor's yard once. Those things are a bit scary.


:laughingsmiley: I remember watching videos of Javalinas that my uncle brought up when he came up to visit. I actually saw a couple in his backyard when I went to visit with my grandparents. They're strange.


I love quail. :O


They always hang out in our backyard and theres quite a few that live in an a ditch thing nearby.


Javalinas! Cool! I've never seen them in the wild before, only in a zoo when I was in Texas. We've got the occasional possum and red fox as far as larger land animals go. And in the way of birds we've got the standard sea birds, mostly just various types of seagulls though, oh and ducks and swans too. And there's one bunny that travels around the neighborhood.


And just for Ryan, there is exactly one squirrel that lives in the neighborhood (we don't have many trees since we're at the beach).


Oh man, beach squirrels... when I was in Carlsbad, there were beach squirrels that were relentless!


I have this kid's book called the Three Little Javalinas (instead of the three little pigs). It's pretty awesome. :D


If they decide to charge you, you're doomed.


:laughingsmiley: I was good with staying inside while they were in the backyard.


We used to have geese at a lake that were rather relentless. My parents would take me there when I was little and give me bread to feed the ducks/geese. But I was so small, even holding the bread as high above my head as possible, the geese always got it.


I think I got my revenge later, by chasing the peacocks that roamed the zoo.


I think I got my revenge later, by chasing the peacocks that roamed the zoo.

I love peacocks so much, but I was SO startled when I was a kid and heard them for the first time.

AWWWWOK! They sound like sick cats!


I love peacocks so much, but I was SO startled when I was a kid and heard them for the first time.

AWWWWOK! They sound like sick cats!


I loved just following them around at the zoo. They were just running around loose. But they're so pretty.


The squirrels do that at my local zoo.

I went once and two of them darted out infront of me, chasing eachother. xD


I love peacocks! Where my mom grew up, there were wild peacocks that roamed around. They would always spread their feathers because it rained a lot where my mom lived. :wub_anim:


Sliced carrots. Ryan, you are one weird person. :P


My one unfounded fear is my fear of spinning globes. Dont ask.


They are so menacing though with their straight edges and orangeness!


Why are you afraid of spinning globes?


They just....freak me out. :shiftyeyes_anim:


Ugh, I gots to go! G'night everybody, err...good morning/afternoon too! :P

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