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Giovanni Gale

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I actually see quite a bit of other wildlife in around town. I've seen raccoons, skunks, porcupines, and foxes.


Same here. Actually, at the house I grew up in, there was a little shed that looked like a mini-house (front door, picture window, electricity, etc.) and we used to have skunks under it. ( :sick01: ) But then one year, we had a family of foxes. (We only saw the mom and 5 babies.) They grew up there, and we had a family of foxes every year after that, for probably 4-5 years. It was so fun watching them grow up from where they looked like kittens, to full grown foxes.

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How is it that both CAV and Tyler have nearby squirrels yet I don't. Except for that one at the zoo that I unnofficially named Scruffy.


You named a squirrel after a Futurama character?

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I don't really watch Futurama. Heard its funny but never seen it.

Well, sir, you need to remedy that! I can't believe it's been on since 2000, I feel extraordinarily old now. D:


Spritzie you had foxes? :) Awww yay, do you have any pictures?

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I don't really watch Futurama. Heard its funny but never seen it.

Neither do I. Never have, and probably never will.


I do have pictures of the foxes. They're under the spoiler since there's a few of them.










Those are just adorable. I wish we had wildlife around here. We just have a few birds and squirrels, though my sister reckons she saw a deer once.

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My parents have a lot of things around their town home. They have bears, mountain lions, bobcats, and deer. That's why my dad freaked out the morning my cat knocked out a window screen and got outside. (Though he found him laying on the porch watching birds.)

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We have trees right outside our apartment, and I swear, there's 100+ birds there in the morning, as it's starting to get light. I guess that's one plus about winter. I've already left for work by the time it gets light.

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I rather like pigeons, and as a kid I haaaaatttted them. (One pooped on me. That was probably the root of it all.)

They're actually quite cute and pretty smart.

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One time a pigeon pooped on my mother's umbrella. But it was a rainy day so it washed off rather quickly. Other than that, I have had no encounters with them, which is why they don't bother me.

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