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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Oh hi guys, I'm....WHAT???

Why are you guys talking about me behind my back???? :crying:


Because we feel the need to do so.


Don't confuse me, RYAN. I'm confused enough as it is. I don't need assistance. :P


Yeah, cut it Ryan. Confusing people is my job.


This statment is a lie. If it's a lie, then it must be true. But if it's true, than it must be a lie.


Everything that is, never was, and everything that never was, is.


Life gives you lemons. Lemons gives you life.


4 wrongs don't make a right. 291501309 rights make a wrong, and infinate wrongs makes 20 rights, while 39 rights creates 1 wrong.


Confused yet?

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I love the Kougras and Grundos =P Tigers are one of my favorites, and IDK... the Grundos are so ugly they're kinda cute.... like those Ugli dolls.

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I still don't think a side account is for me. I would like to do more than just stare at my pets all day. Which is why I wish they allowed 5 pet spots. It wouldn't really kill TNT. Sure they'll have to make adjustments, but it would benifit a good amount of players, me included.


You know, a little perk for long time members.

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I understand that, but TNT will never change that. They get asked about it in the Editorial, and they always say it will never happen. Personally, I like having sides, for different reasons. I have themed side accounts, so if I could have more pets on my main, it just would work properly.

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I understand that, but TNT will never change that. They get asked about it in the Editorial, and they always say it will never happen. Personally, I like having sides, for different reasons. I have themed side accounts, so if I could have more pets on my main, it just would work properly.


Yeah, and it sucks.


Why am I going to get a side account just to stare at one pet and do nothing else? I should ask them that question, and see what my response is. If the response is "Too bad", then all heck will break loose. :laughingsmiley:

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I am aware that not everybody can be happy. TNT has proved that so many times with making somebody happy and me miserable. Like when the AC started earlier. That didn't help since I still had school.


Well, let me take it up with them. I'll be able to rest easy knowing that at least I was specific, and that I tried.

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I read the editorials every week. And I've read all the past editorials from 250+. But I don't really remember any of that. I do remember a person who wanted to get every Aisha (or some Neopet) possible, but then realized she wouldn't have enough space. IN that editorial, TNT just told her/him to pick their favorite colors. So I'm still guessing they won't let us get five Neopets.

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I know I had most of my side accounts filled - only one was empty.


I've actually been thinking about this and kept on forgetting, but maybe I'm going to give away my pets here on TDNF? I don't really play anymore...

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I know I had most of my side accounts filled - only one was empty.


I've actually been thinking about this and kept on forgetting, but maybe I'm going to give away my pets here on TDNF? I don't really play anymore...

What pets do you have? If you have any Desert pets, I'd really love them.


I'm sure lots of others would like them too.

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Here's a link to my account:



No, I don't have any desert pets, sorry :P

Oh, and links to the side accounts are in the 'About Me' box. You guys can look through those too.


I'm not necessarily willing to part with all of my pets, like my Grape Chia because that was my first pet (and it was an Eyrie too :P)

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