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Giovanni Gale

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I'm failing whether I study or not Livvy - that's inevitable for this subject (Electrical Actuators and Sensors) as I'm useless at anything that has to do with AC circuits. Unless you'd care to help me wrap my head around this? :P




Fortunately for me though, I have a convenient little world clock built into my desktop. :D

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See! I knew you'd saved the world. You were just trying to be modest.

Haha, no, as I said in my essay, all I do is keep little parts of my world from falling apart. I haven't saved the whole thing. (Yet.)


@Theo: Heh, 'fraid I can't help you there. 0_0

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Thing is, if everyone in the world works to save their own little part(s) of it... well, we've certainly got enough people to cover the whole thing, haven't we? :D

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Haha, no, as I said in my essay, all I do is keep little parts of my world from falling apart. I haven't saved the whole thing. (Yet.)


Hey, I'm fairly sure keeping parts of your world from falling apart counts as well.


And Theo, that's really scary looking.

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Thing is, if everyone in the world works to save their own little part(s) of it... well, we've certainly got enough people to cover the whole thing, haven't we? :D

I like that theory. ^_^ It's kinda like we're all saving the world.

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Indeed it is Spritzie, indeed it is... basically it's meant to be an equivalent circuit representation of a transformer, with inductors and resistors in place to simulate the transformer's core losses. I need to, ah, memorise some equations to figure out the values for those resistances and inductances. x_x


Edit: Likeable theories are fun to come up with. :D

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I like that theory. ^_^ It's kinda like we're all saving the world.


A little bit at all time. :yes: (Did that sound cliche to anyone else?)


Indeed it is Spritzie, indeed it is... basically it's meant to be an equivalent circuit representation of a transformer, with inductors and resistors in place to simulate the transformer's core losses. I need to, ah, memorise some equations to figure out the values for those resistances and inductances. x_x


See? That's why I did better in English/Language. I at least knew what was going at all times. (Or at most times.)

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It's a very nicely drawn circuit. Mine always used to come out blobby but then again, I think I just didn't care enough to go a little slower and fix them. Also, I think that its universal that people fail and or hate circuit diagrams and such.

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It's a very nicely drawn circuit. Mine always used to come out blobby but then again, I think I just didn't care enough to go a little slower and fix them. Also, I think that its universal that people fail and or hate circuit diagrams and such.

Heh, I know there's at least one guy in my class who pretty much knows everything already. But that diagram's actually from the official notes. xD

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I'll C&P it to here as soon as I get home. I don't have it saved on anything that would let me access it here. But don't expect excellent work. I wrote it at midnight, and was kind of frustrated with it at the time.

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Well I was just frustrated 'cuz it was due in a day and I didn't have the kind of answer they were looking for. Not so much the "my writing is never amazing enough!" kind of frustration. :P


EDIT: I'm sure you're right, Spritz. I'm definitely nervous.

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It's not getting accepted that I'm worried about, it's the scholarships. Furman is really expensive, and their scholarships are super-competitive. =\


EDIT: Alright, how I saved the world:

As much as I wish I had an impressive answer for such an impressive question, I hold more firmly to honesty than I do to self-flattery. As a high school student, I spend most of my days trying to balance school, homework, sleep, and extracurriculars. I don’t have time to go out and save the world every day, but I do what I can to keep little pieces of it from falling apart.


In the last play of my junior year, the drama community was in a crisis. Over half the seniors dropped the show, including ¾ of the drama officers. Morale was dropping, and there was a widespread fear that the show would have to be canceled. While the director worked on finding replacements for the actors who had quit, I stepped up backstage and did all I could to boost morale. Not one for making speeches, I brought the cast together in little ways – sitting down and comforting a dejected actress, setting an example of how to enjoy rehearsal and maintain focus. Officially, I never did anything; there was no title or recognition for my efforts, but I like to think that my work backstage contributed to the performance of a successful show.


Another silent role I play does impact the greater community. Even back in middle and elementary school, I was never ashamed to dig through a trash can and separate the recyclables from the junk. In eighth grade I took a more prominent stand in the recycling effort at my school, collecting pencil shavings and recycling baskets after school and delivering them to their appropriate bins. While cleaning out the drama closet, I refuse to throw scripts away, even though it means trucking piles of paper all the way down to the media center’s recycling bin. I do what I can to advocate recycling among my friends, and if they do throw something away, I’m still not above fishing it out and putting it where it belongs.


On several occasions I have stepped up to impact neighborhood issues, albeit indirectly. Many of the neighborhood council members have children who are too young to be left at home alone, so I try to make myself available to watch over them during neighborhood meetings. This allows the adults to address whatever issues they need to discuss without having to worry about paying for a babysitter or keeping their child under control.


Though I’ve only had small-scale impact so far, I do plan to one day impact the world on a much larger scale. As a pediatric researcher, the possibilities for medical advancement are extensive and far-reaching. It’s the kind of role I enjoy: changing the world quietly, by doing what needs to be done. 

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Well... most of the good writers I know are always frustrated with their work. xD

Think you might have it mixed up here. Good writers might always be frustrated, but frustrated writers aren't always good. I'd know. Turned in an essay once that I was really frustrated with - it was a response to an essay called "The Holy Use of Gossip", which I thought was stupid and elevated gossip to a level of importance far higher than it deserved, which I wrote in my response, and well, I got a low C x_x


It's not getting accepted that I'm worried about, it's the scholarships. Furman is really expensive, and their scholarships are super-competitive. =\


EDIT: Alright, how I saved the world:


[see post above]

That essay is actually very good. It's focused and has a strong point. Modest too, which is usually considered a good thing. For something you wrote out of frustration, that was great :yes:

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Thanks, Will. :D I hope they agree with you.


Interesting note, this is Rod Smolla's (the person who made the quote the question was based on) first year as Furman president, so we're the first people to have to do this question. I'm kind of betting it won't show up for future years. ;)

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livvy, that was an amazing essay! I love how you "quietly change the world." It suits you perfectly!


Unfortunately it's nowhere near that simple though. :( As I understand it, the vast majority of genetic traits are defined by a complex combination of various overlapping genes (I picked this up while studying eye colour), meaning that it takes a lot of work to figure out which genes map to which characteristics. But hey, that's what makes it interesting, right? :)


I completely agree that it isnt this simple. However, the complex combination of various overlapping genes does make it interesting and I would love to help figure them out. I am so curious about the way we work, and I was shocked to see that genes can control characteristics like addictions! I find that so interesting and I would love to see what other types of characteristics are controlled by what complex overlapping genes.

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