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Giovanni Gale

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Mmm, genetics! Fun! Definitely one of my favoured biology topics. It just makes so much sense! Meteorology is really nifty too, but we haven't really studied much about it. They just don't include it much in the curriculum. But Spritz, if you enjoy it, you should think about taking a couple classes on it. :yes:


Oh yes, law school and medical school require a RIDICULOUS amount of schooling. I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to that. x_x

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Spritzie, I know what you mean! The number of years is the only thing holding me back from medicine.


Livvy, that is what I love! Genetics is so structured. I want to work on the Human Genome Project where scientists are searching to see what each gene does (hair color, addictions, etc).

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Livvy, that is what I love! Genetics is so structured. I want to work on the Human Genome Project where scientists are searching to see what each gene does (hair color, addictions, etc).

Oh my gosh, that would be so amazing! I would so love to do that! I haven't thought about that in a while, but yeah, that'd be way cool!

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Oh my gosh, that would be so amazing! I would so love to do that! I haven't thought about that in a while, but yeah, that'd be way cool!


Some people oppose it because once it is figured out, scientists are this much closer to figuring out how to change the genes and therefore people will get to pick what they want their baby to be like. Designer babies.

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Mmm, genetics! Fun! Definitely one of my favoured biology topics. It just makes so much sense! Meteorology is really nifty too, but we haven't really studied much about it. They just don't include it much in the curriculum. But Spritz, if you enjoy it, you should think about taking a couple classes on it. :yes:


Oh yes, law school and medical school require a RIDICULOUS amount of schooling. I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to that. x_x

You're right! That's a good idea. I'll have to check into that as well.


The time is takes is crazy. I mean, I understand with doctors. People's health is being entrusted to them.


Spritzie, I know what you mean! The number of years is the only thing holding me back from medicine.


Livvy, that is what I love! Genetics is so structured. I want to work on the Human Genome Project where scientists are searching to see what each gene does (hair color, addictions, etc).

It's scary, even if you love school, which I never really did.


That does sound really awesome Divya!

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Alright then, CAV. What have YOU done to save the world?


I recycle stuff.. :P


I also do the very best I can everyday in everything I do.


I ALSO spread my message and opinions throughout the world, and I fight against war, political corruption, and all unjust things. THAT is how I save the world, in my own way.

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I'm afraid I believe astrology to be a load of bullcrap. Astronomy, on the other hand...:P


*spazzes* Look at this prompt!

2. "The most important lesson you can learn while you are here [at Furman] is that for your life to have authentic meaning, fulfillment and consequence, you must learn the importance of connection to forces larger and greater than yourself: to larger causes and to the greater community." Rod Smolla, President, Furman University

With this in mind, briefly describe a current issue or recent event in your state or community and how it will affect its citizens in the future? More importantly, how have you, as a leader, made a difference in regards to this issue? Maximum Allowed: 500 words.


What the heck am I supposed to say about that? I'm a HIGH SCHOOL student, for goodness sake! I don't have time to go out and save the world! I'm busy trying to keep my own little world from imploding!

What if it isn't an "I saved the world" essay but an "I influence my community in a positive way" essay? Or a "what I do makes a difference" essay?

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I'm afraid I believe astrology to be a load of bullcrap. Astronomy, on the other hand...:P


Whoops. School has got me so out of whack that a difference I can tell right away is rather difficult for me to figure out.


Stupid school. It's pushing all the astronomy out of my head, and filling it with worthless Latin.


Now that I can, I absolutely agree. The study of astrology gets you nowhere closer to the answers of the universe.

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The study of the planets and such is astronomy.


Astrology usually centers around TRYING to predict the future using constellations, unsuccessfully of course. Horoscopes are made using these predictions.


According to astrology, I'm a Libra. I read horoscopes for a month as a test to see if they were real. They aren't, as each prediction was wrong.


I now have a new set.

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What if it isn't an "I saved the world" essay but an "I influence my community in a positive way" essay? Or a "what I do makes a difference" essay?

I don't know about you, but personally, I'd love to read Livvy's essay on how she saved the world. I'm pretty sure that'd be awesome. :laughingsmiley:

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I would love to read an essay on saving the world.

Although, it would sound a bit like bragging if you ask me. :P

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I save the world by helping people out with Neopets. Maybe someday I'll help out some scientist who will then be so happy that he'll leap straight into his work and find a cure for cancer or something. :D


Spritzie, I know what you mean! The number of years is the only thing holding me back from medicine.


Livvy, that is what I love! Genetics is so structured. I want to work on the Human Genome Project where scientists are searching to see what each gene does (hair color, addictions, etc).

Unfortunately it's nowhere near that simple though. :( As I understand it, the vast majority of genetic traits are defined by a complex combination of various overlapping genes (I picked this up while studying eye colour), meaning that it takes a lot of work to figure out which genes map to which characteristics. But hey, that's what makes it interesting, right? :)


My parents really wanted me to go into medicine (they still do I think), but it just wasn't that interesting to me - I'm a geek and a programmer through and through. That and I suck at memorising, and handling delicate stuff. :P

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*spazzes* Look at this prompt!

2. "The most important lesson you can learn while you are here [at Furman] is that for your life to have authentic meaning, fulfillment and consequence, you must learn the importance of connection to forces larger and greater than yourself: to larger causes and to the greater community." Rod Smolla, President, Furman University

With this in mind, briefly describe a current issue or recent event in your state or community and how it will affect its citizens in the future? More importantly, how have you, as a leader, made a difference in regards to this issue? Maximum Allowed: 500 words.


What the heck am I supposed to say about that? I'm a HIGH SCHOOL student, for goodness sake! I don't have time to go out and save the world! I'm busy trying to keep my own little world from imploding!


What if it isn't an "I saved the world" essay but an "I influence my community in a positive way" essay? Or a "what I do makes a difference" essay?

Hm... When I have access to it, I'll send you my response for that one too. I'd appreciate your thoughts on it. (Even though it's already been sent and too late to change.)


EDIT: Or I'll just post it here, since so many people want to see how I saved the world. *strikes important pose*


And haha, Theo, I love your save-the-world strategy. =P

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I am in school. My school's web-page-blocky-thing just sucks, and thus I can access TDN (sometimes.) And since I have study hall the first three periods of the day, well, I really have nothing better to do. Except maybe I should be doing calculus. But nah.


EDIT: So Theo, is it almost 10 over there, or almost 11? Daylight Savings Time has screwed up my sense of time.

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Actually, it's just past 23:00 now. :yes: I should be in bed, but I'm busy tweaking random stuff studying for a test. Oh, and I need to get the header issue with AdBlock for Chrome resolved before I can sleep too.

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Gosh, now I'll have to remember that you're an hour ahead of me... which is where you REALLY are, since this is the off-time of DST... :S Daylight Savings Time confuses me.


*pokes you* Study, Theo! TDN is not an excuse to fail. >=O

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