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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Generally when my brother or I want to come up with a name, we get together and do a whole lot of random brainstorming (inevitably involving some bad humour) until we settle on a pretty good final choice. :yes: It works pretty well for stories and the associated worlds (not just for names there actually), and it seems to do okay at picking Neopet names too.

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Sometimes when I get stuck with ideas, my husband helps me. He does really well with that. He has a Grundo that seems randomly named (humorously randomly named) but it's actually the name of an alien is some movie. (I don't remember which one.)

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I suppose we can conclude that having two people to churn out ideas and bounce them off each other greatly improves selection diversity and final quality. :yes:


I'm also going to conclude that I need some sleep, so good night to ya!

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I am not creative in case of names, so I use sites like A Gift For Life, Classic Roots, and Beauty's Ensign for Untaken Pet Names. :yes:


Those websites just saved my naming lives. :laughingsmiley:


When I try for names, I think of the name first then check to see if it is taken. If it is (which it generally is) then I try the same name but with a one letter or so difference until I find one!

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I can. Except when I have school or when my father is home during the school week.



I can too, except when I have school, homework or swimming.


Can't we all be here all the time, except for when we can't? :laughingsmiley: That sounds like when I tell people I'm always right........ except when I'm wrong.

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Can't we all be here all the time, except for when we can't? :laughingsmiley: That sounds like when I tell people I'm always right........ except when I'm wrong.

I like your thinking, Spritzie. With that being said:

"I think, therefore I'm on TDN."

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I'm always right........ except when I'm wrong.

:O NOWAI, ME TOO! Must be that twin thing. ;)


I'm almost always online, unless I'm unable to access the internet or at drama (and essentially unable to access the internet.)

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...which only happens if I'm asleep or unable to access the internet, as previously stated.


EDIT: Oi, double-ninja'd! x_x


You are correct. TDNTwinhood really is the only explanation. *serious nod*

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If I had nobody telling me to go offline. If I had no school. If there were several active people here throughout the day.


If all that happened, I'd be online for about 16 hours. The longest I've been on TDN was.........18.5 hours. During the summer, from 8 AM to 2:30 AM late night, with plenty of gaming and breaks in between. But TDN was constantly one of my tabs.

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Hai Ryan. :D *waves* How are you this snazzy day?


The longest I've consecutively been on TDN? Hm... probably upwards of 24 hours. Yes, because there was that time I fell asleep with the computer on, and TDN was an open tab. The longest I've ACTIVELY been on TDN? Meh. Maybe 20.

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