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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I know. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could just live a virtual life, with all the fun of anything we want, but without anything we don't want?


I have personal issues enraging at the moment, but at the same time, life is ok. I want to get out of my high school. It's aggrevating, and it's not even because of the work.


But here's the good stuff I'm doing:


1. About to sing songs with friend. Including requests made by you TDN users.

2. Making 2 movies. A comedy, and a 3D action film

3. Not only singing covers, but also making our own album.

4. Games.

5. Friends.

6. My best friend.

7. Learning to HTML.

8. Trying to draw.

9. Looking for a job so I can get things that I've always wanted (iTouch, New Jersey Devils jersey, more games, etc.)


How often is the set interval, according to SN?


How about you check for yourelf.

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Hey everybody! Just woke up.... so what's happening in your parts of the world?

And what are we talking about?

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Well everybody's welcome to NZ.

And NZ is not a US State, nor is it in USA.

Just to clear a few things up.

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