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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Ewww. Snakes are icky. I had a friend that had an iguana. That completely creeped me out.




While I agree with you on iguanas, I refuse to believe what you just said about snakes. They are EPIC. Them and Sharks. I love snakes so much, it was one of my previous usernames (you most likely already knew that).

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Well definitely! Of course sharks are epic. (My favorites being Great Whites and Nurse sharks.) But snakes creep me out. Though I can handle Hissi's.


The reason I love Hissi is because I love snakes.


Although I agree about snakes.


You call yourself a Hissi fanatic??

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I've never done well with naming pets. I named my turtle, Murtle. (Though I was about 7 at the time) And then my bird was already named Hawk by her previous owners. So I made up for it by naming my cat Cairo.

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Yes I did :D


That's why I named him Reptar, he was a Smooth Green Snake & bigger than Slick, who was a Northern Redbelly Snake.


I suck at names. If I was to get a snake, I'd name him......uh......er.....I'll get back to you on that one....


Rugrats was an amazing show. :D (Before they "growed up" <_<)


All Grown Up was meh-ish. It had it's funny moments, but was usually more likely to make you yawn than laugh.

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Cairo was grey with blue eyes when he was a kitten. I wanted to name him after an Alaskan city. I almost called him Kodiak, because he stood up like a little bear, but he was just too small. He was only 3 lbs at the time. And out of nowhere, I named him Cairo. Which works, because now he's brown with gold eyes.

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I guess because my first contact with snakes was my cousin and her very harmless pet snake Pretzel, I'm not too scared of them. I actually find them quite fascinating. But I do have a healthy fear of them.

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JB, your law isn't holding true for me. :( Maybe I'm getting a detail wrong somewhere? Do you mean the home page of the TDN main site or the forums?

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