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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Ah, so will anybody answer my previous question.

Edit: That Potato Head looks awesome CAV



Nice new avatar, CAV! Poor Mr. Potato Head. Cursed to walk forever sideways whilst tipping his hat to every person he sees again and again.


The dare thread told me to have a picture of a potato. But that's not enough. I need something funny.

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That potato head is bald. It reminds me of Chris Sabat, especially when the C in CAV stands for Christopher. No offence, CAV, it was just a thought.

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Oh man, this dare chaos is bringing back SO many memories. xD Anyone here remember the staff pwnage contest?

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It was a contest involving staff members pwning each other's signatures and such. :yes: I wasn't staff back then, but it sure was fun to watch. xD

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Heya Livvy, good morning! :D And I'm sure there are one or two oldies around here who remember it... xD Unfortunately I haven't been able to dig up the associated topics, but a search or two should unearth the relevant ones.

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Indeed. And Livvy, I'm pretty sure 19:30 doesn't exactly qualify for late afternoon. :P

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Or more concisely, mid-evening. :P


By the way, am I the only person here who gets a lot of satisfaction from getting several clocks in perfect sync?

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Heh, I figured out how to read analogue clocks before digital ones, but I still very much prefer digital displays. 24-hour if possible. :yes:

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I like the determinism that's present in the 24 hour system. From a single glance (interpreting only four symbols), you get a definite, unambiguous indication of the time of day. Plus, it scales linearly, which makes it easier to handle in logical systems (like programs). :yes:

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Unfortunately, here in East Malaysia, heavy cloud cover makes that method of telling the time extremely difficult, if not impossible, to pull off most of the day. :(

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