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Giovanni Gale

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I tend to assume everyone on the internet is a girl, unless they have a male-sounding name or masculine avatar.


I'd really, really like a Desert PB.

Did I mention really? :laughingsmiley:

What PB does everyone want?


Currently saving for a gray. But I'm also trying for the pack rat avatar, so every single item I get is going in the SDB box and not being sold. So saving is slow work, my only income is NP from Key Quest and the stock market. I have just over 3m, I will probably get the avatar before I reach 4m for the PB.


I used to read the comics on a regular basis. Now I like reading the Editorials.


I like the editorials too but I've never read or looked at anything else in the NT. I'm not really into comics, role playing or fantasy writing so I'm not sure I'd enjoy it.

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Sorry, I just totally disappeared without any explanation. :P


Anywho, a bass box: A box in which orchestra basses are shipped. The box is really big, and kind of coffin shaped; you could fit two of me in there comfortably. Tomorrow I plan to remove the extra cardboard pieces inside so I have room to stretch out my legs and then lay with the flaps facing up like a coffin and see how many kids in the drama classes I can completely freak out. Though mostly I plan on sleeping.


So you're already planning ahead for your nap today? :laughingsmiley:

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CAV- We are skipping straight into winter, man. Next thing you know, it'll be snowing and we'll get 2 snow days in a row again this year!


NY doesn't snow much. I wish it did, but all we get is a dry cold freeze.


It reminds me of earlier this year. We skipped Spring too.


"Good lord, it's still cold in April. Where's the nice weather?"


SMACK! 89 degrees in the beginning of May, and the humidity makes it feel like 94.


"Good lord it's still hot in September. Where's the nice weather?"


SMACK! 52 degrees in the beginning of October, and the wind chill makes it feel like 28.

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NY doesn't snow much. I wish it did, but all we get is a dry cold freeze.


It reminds me of earlier this year. We skipped Spring too.


"Good lord, it's still cold in April. Where's the nice weather?"


SMACK! 89 degrees in the beginning of May, and the humidity makes it feel like 94.


"Good lord it's still hot in September. Where's the nice weather?"


SMACK! 52 degrees in the beginning of October, and the wind chill makes it feel like 28.

That's exactly it. The temperature isn't slowly ascending or descending between seasons anymore and it's putting everyone into some sort of weather-related shock. Half the kids in my school are sick! At least the weather is starting to get more season appropriate now but... nature better not mess up autumn for me. >:I


We got 2 snow days this year (last school year)and another one the year before, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was another heavy, school-closing snowfall early 2011. It seems like we only get really light snow or way too much snow. Lame.

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Oh, so TDN (and HAMS) is fully international?


Yes. A huge amount of TDN members are from outside of the US. And many HAMS members are international too. Even one of our own leaders (Trinston) is outside of the US (he's in UK).


EDIT: For crying out loud, Ryan! Check our PM before I have to go offline!

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But Canada is the most international nation there is! It's directly between two pieces of another nation. :yes:


TDN as a whole is fairly international though. We have people in New Zealand, and England, and um... wherever it was that CC lives... and Malaysia, and the US, and Canada, and... Er, that's all I can think of.

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But Canada is the most international nation there is! It's directly between two pieces of another nation. :yes:

Haha, I love this quote! It's going on the quote page! And there are a bunch of people from the non US because they seem to be the only people that post in my sponsor threads saying they can't access it...

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It's fall, which is pretty much the season of sickness :P


I'm actually surprised I haven't been sick yet. Normally I come down with a cough that lasts for months at this point in the year.

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Hmm... oddly enough, I just recovered from a long-running sickness a few weeks ago, and now everyone else is getting sick. Blah, tropical weather. xD

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