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Giovanni Gale

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I'm technically a mid height, but buying pants is seriously hard. I'm 5'6, and I rarely can buy a pair of jeans or dress pants, without them being way too long. My sister, being 5'11-ish, has the opposite problem... she can never find pants long enough.


It's hard to believe we're sisters sometimes. She just towers over me. (You can really see the difference between us in the picture on my profile)

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I'm 17 and only 5'1 1/4. I'm very partial to that 1/4. :yes: I'm predicted to grow to 5'1 1/4. And I'm totally okay with that.


Lol! Same here, only I am 5'1 1/2. Jealous? :P Haha.


I was always considered short, but now I am just an inch below average. Huh, wonder how that happened.

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I'm 16 years old and... *does conversions* about 5' 1/4''. And I don't seem to be growing much more. So I guess that makes me shorter than anyone else here, unless I missed a post. :P

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That's adorable Theo. ^_^ Also, (even though I already know because you told me elsewhere :shiftyeyes_anim:) what was that before you converted it?

Metrics rule. b) Americans need to stop being stubborn and switch over. It makes so much more sense. /metrics rant


EDIT: Really? Four smileys in TWO sentences? ... Wow Livvy. Wow.

EDIT2: Now only three.

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That's adorable Theo. ^_^ Also, (even though I already know because you told me elsewhere :shiftyeyes_anim:) what was that before you converted it?

Metrics rule. b) Americans need to stop being stubborn and switch over. It makes so much more sense. /metrics rant

I'm adorable? xD


That was 153cm. :yes: :thumbsup: for the metric system!


EDIT: Really? Four smileys in TWO sentences? ... Wow Livvy. Wow.

EDIT2: Now only three.

Hey, I've actually managed to exceed the hard-coded maximum smileys limit in IPB. :P

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I dunno the coded maximum, but I passed it up by like 12 on my About Me. It took me forever taking them down one by one until acceptable.


Being tall is...horrible. :/

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And for every positive there's a negative. :P


-It's really awkward bending over to pick something up.

-Sitting in a desk is heck, especially if you're front row and you have to keep your feet under your desk and out of the way.

-Being unable to raise your hand in a short room with a ceiling fan....

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Okay, that last one is actually kind of funny. xP


Alright then, more positives.

- People actually notice you in the halls, and don't step on you.

- Instant advantage in sports involving stride length, including swimming (though that's technically strokes).

- Being in the back of group pictures so you don't have to worry about your clothes matching in the event of an unexpected photograph.

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Metrics rule. b) Americans need to stop being stubborn and switch over. It makes so much more sense. /metrics rant

Ironic, because you've been using the American system the whole time :P


I'd say I'm a rather median height. Tall enough to reach things, but short enough to fit into my car comfortably :D


And I've always avoided group photos :shiftyeyes_anim:

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Because that's what I was taught. That's what makes sense to my very limited sense of measurement. Numerically, and practically, the metric system makes so much more sense.


Well of COURSE you have. Super ninjas can't just go around getting photographed. :P Then EVERYONE would know. ... :ohno: I MEAN!

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Shhh! You mustn't blow my cover! :shiftyeyes_anim:


But see it'd be really hard to change. I could estimate a foot, but not a decimeter. I can picture how far away a mile is, but not a kilometer. I have a sense of how fast 35 mph is, but not 35 km/h. It's not really practical to change everyone who's been brought up on this system.


And then you can't teach everybody in grade school the SI system, because then there'll be this generational clash.


And all the street signs have to be replaced, all the cars have to be refitted, and all construction materials need to be remade, just to name a few things. That's a lot of money and effort.


So while the system might be impractical, it's more impractical to change xD

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So the change won't be easy. I still think it's necessary. Eventually it's going to become ridiculously impractical to have to convert between two systems of measurements. Sure, we could just train the people who will be most frequently interacting with the metric system and leave the English system as the main US system, but as we become increasingly connected to the rest of the world (for example, I am at this moment talking to someone directly across the planet from me), even people who never leave the US will come into contact with a system they don't understand.


And we already have a generation gap. It's called the internet. :P

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The thing is we are converting, and many people do it on a regular basis. I don't think converting is really a bad thing. I mean, I don't see anyone pushing for a universal currency, right? If anything, it'd improve people's arithmetic. :P


Everything is working fine right now, and I'm not sure the situation's going to change much at all. Sure, we're talking to Theo who isn't familiar to the US system, but it doesn't take much effort to convert from one to another, especially with all the converters nowadays. And unfortunately unless there's a more dire need to switch, there just isn't enough of an incentive to invest the resources to switch to the metric system :/

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Why yes, yes I do. Seen the Euro lately? It's all over Europe. ;)


I still prefer the metric system. I realize a change would be impractical, but learning both couldn't hurt. When you're learning that 12 inches is a foot and 3 feet is a yard and 5280 feet is a mile, couldn't you also be taught that 10 centimeters is a meter, and 1000 meters is a kilometer?

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Correction: 100 centimetres is a metre. :P


Funny how you guys are talking about the measurement system. I was bored today and decided to try out a 9th grade NASA math(s) test. I had no idea how to answer the first question. I thought 10 inches was equivalent to a foot. :rolleyes_anim:


Ohh, and I'm 161.5 cm. That's... somewhere around 5' 3"? :O Amazing.

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