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It was monopoly anyway...


Yeah, i'm just that cheap.


Indeed you are. But you still have to pay me later.


How do you know? Maybe she's unfair!

*Gets handed a $100 bill from Anisha*

I mean, she's the fairest judge ever!


*snatches dollar bill*


Consider that my future pay in the even that you have to go to court, and require me as your lawyer.


:laughingsmiley: Come on Ryan. We all know that Anisha is nothing but fair.

Yay! Er, I mean, well said, Mrs. Spritzie. Now, shall we proceed.


It was monopoly anyway...

I knew it! :O


How do you know? Maybe she's unfair!

*Gets handed a $100 bill from Anisha*

I mean, she's the fairest judge ever!

It was monopoly too ... What? :whistle: I SAID NOTHING!


Well... This courtroom sure hasn't gotten out of hand. /sarcasm


-takes mallet and bangs it on judge's desk- EVERYONE SHUT UP!


CAV, I think you should take down that image. :/ Isn't very pleasing.


You too? Superfly had the same problem. He says that it says a swear.


It doesn't say a swear. It says "objection". Try refreshing the page.




Yes, take it down before you get yourself banned. You're warning level is already high enough, isn't it? :laughingsmiley:


Ha! Lol, I'm not going crazy. Perhaps we should just remove it.... CAV, I'll leave that decision up to you, since technically it's a legit image; however, if others are seeing it too.


Yeah. It still says a swear, man. I'd take it down.



Yes, take it down before you get yourself banned.


Originally, Supefly talked to me about this. He said it had a swear, and he took it down. He rechecked things, and he saw that it didn't have a swear. So he restored the post.


I know very well what I put on here. It just says "objection".


It reappeared for me and the switched back.... it is a legit images guys, view the source url that's what it's supposed to be.... but for some reason it's appearing weird.


I vote we just remove it.


Okay... that is REALLY weird. The image that was being displayed on my computer had the f word in it. I just went back and restored the post and when i clicked on the image, it loaded in its own window and loaded the image you are talking about that says objection. I then went back to the post and it had changed itself to the correct image.


This is what he said. Try this. If it still doesn't work, then I'll post a different image, that says objection.


Ohhh, I bet its one of those images that changes whn you try to copy it and put it somewhere. xD

You are 100% correct. I just noticed that. CAV I will PM you.


Since people are still having this problem, I replaced the image.


Is it better?

Muchly! :yes: :yes: :yes: Thanks for updating that. You're awesome.


It reappeared for me and the switched back.... it is a legit images guys, view the source url that's what it's supposed to be.... but for some reason it's appearing weird.


I vote we just remove it.

The link, it still shows the swear word. :/ I don't really understand, I don't see the word objection anywhere either.


And, I agree with Superfly. Remove it CAV, please.

EDIT: It's better now! ^_^

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