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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Oh, sorry, I though Aidan had 219 posts(which is apparently CAV's). My bad. D:


Don't mistake me for Trinston. We are two different people.


I'm more active than any other HAMS member.



Dangit, you don't know what you're missing, man. I couldn't live without the Minions board. :O


I can live without it. Hate the Neoboards. Such a mess.

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HURRY UP AND BE 13 ALREADY! CAV is gonna be 14 soon and then i'll be all alone. :crying:



Don't get arrogant JB, I could be here 5 hours a day and make top poster daily if I wanted too, but i'm choosing not too.

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Don't get arrogant JB, I could be here 5 hours a day and make top poster daily if I wanted too, but i'm choosing not too.


Why don't you?


Yup. TDN is 13 year old-less aside from me and CAV so when he turns 14...


How much do you want to bet that by the time JB is 13, Ryan will already be 14?


EDIT: He will.

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Oh yeah, huh...

I forgot my b-day is in March...

Oh well. D:


Because I don't. Any more questions?


So don't worry too much.


Yes, I have one more question............WHY AREN'T YOU ONLINE AS MUCH ANYMORE???? I am older than you, I'm in HIGH SCHOOL with 10 times the work of middle school, and it takes me an hour to get home. I can't let my dad see me online during the weekday, and I barely get time. BUT I'M STILL ONLINE. You can't be THAT busy.

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Man, you sure are being given a hard time, aren't you, Ryan? o_O


Like I said. School can't be keeping him THAT busy, when I can be online with an even smaller oppertuinity than him.

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What's the big deal? If Ryan doesn't feel like being on here 24/7, why is it the end of the world?


He doesn't need to be on 24/7. But at least pop in more often. TDN has been very inactive, and I end up sitting at the computer waiting for a response that never comes.

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