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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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-slaps JB- HOW DARE YE!

Go to yt and listen to Bleed it out RIGHT THIS INSTANT!


CAV the New Yorker user_popup.png 219Ultimate Big Brother user_popup.png 144Super Squirrel user_popup.png 131Jungle Beast user_popup.png 130

These are the posts in the HAMS thread.

I used to be 2nd. In a matter of minutes possibly i'll be 4th. -shrug-

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I have whiskers?

Yes you do. *pulls Whiskers* :P


What do you mean? Neo's just got ten more than me.

And I will not listen to licorice popcorn.

Oh, sorry, I though Aidan had 219 posts(which is apparently CAV's). My bad. D:


Lico what? <_<

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And CAV, you had to tell him.


Yes, I did.


Go ahead, take the lead.

If anyone touches my most post in the games forum status though...


How can you even tell?


Wait, who is beating whom, I am confused. :S


Meh. I really want to see Linkin Park live.


JB has passed Tyler in HAMS posts, and he wants to pass all of us. He'll never beat me though, I have too many posts. Trinston is the closest to beating me, and he's 80 posts away.


I still have NO IDEA who linkon park is.




Listen to Numb first. b) It's better than Bleed It Out.



Hey! Bleed it out is uh-maze-ing! :P

But Numb is awsome as well. :O


Also, listen to Crawling. :O


Stop arguing. Have him listen to IT ALL!!



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Nope. Not listening to any of them.


Why? You want to know who they are, but in order to do so, you must listen to them.


Check my profile CAV, it shows how many games forums post I have.

The closest is Theo and it says on his profile too.



Yay for flying, short, ninjas! xD


I'm looking for a list.


Huzzah for ninjas! Wait....ninjas.....Shenkuu.....aren't you a minion Ryan?



I'm confused.

And I'm still not listening to it.


You're confused, but yet you refuse to listen to the song. To understand, you must look at the video.

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And I was confused about Ryan's one step closer and ninja post. I'm guessing they're song names.


One Step Closer is the name of the song. Little flying ninjas are in the video. LOOK AT THE VIDEO! You'll love LP.


Ryan, I know where to look. But I wish there was an actual list. Just because it says that I have 2100+ posts in General Chat doesn't mean that I have the most posts here.

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