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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Machete is suppose to be an action movie. But rated R.


God I can't leave this site for a second without some stupid argument starting up in here.


Is it best that I leave?

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Well, I got to the point where I had long practices for tennis if I wanted to continue, and time-wise I couldn't do that with lessons and orchestra and practicing violin, etc. after school.


You don't have to leave. I just think that most people here don't want to have arguments here.

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No CAV, it's best that you settle down a bit and stop argueing.



You don't have to leave. I just think that most people here don't want to have arguments here.



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Yeah I'd like to play tennis again, but now I have some shoulder problems, so I don't know how well it would work out.



Oh and butterflies are awesome! We have a butterfly exhibit at the gardens here every year, and it's tons of fun to enter and hang out with all the butterflies.

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CAV, we don't care who started the argument, we care about who's continuing it.


Of course. It doesn't matter who starts it or anything. It just matters that I'm the one in it.


I'm always wrong. Whatever I do is wrong, whatever I say is wrong. And I guess my video will be wrong too?

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Yep, they do. :yes: Moths are just less-pretty butterflies. Though I've seen some really pretty moths.


My fascinating facts about butterflies: The French word for butterflies is "papillon," which is a breed of dog. So when my friend was telling me in French that her cat likes to chase and bring home butterflies, I was temporarily under the impression that her cat routinely brought home Papillons. :P

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2 pages back, people were discussing a Divya Bean law that Divya Bean did not make up and Divya Bean was not even online. Divya Bean feels loved. :laughingsmiley:


Lol livvy! What is a papillon (the dog)? Never heard of them....

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