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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Bah, is anyone else getting site updates from Neopets as an email? Every time I go in there to change the setting it keeps telling me failed settings saved.


Also two small children outside have decided that its a good idea to scream, false children, false. That does not help my headache.

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Aw, sorry about that as well. xD


And i've had a wonderful day, thank-you. ^_^



Scream back. That's what i'd do. xD

Of course, I AM the guy who yells "HONK!" everytime a car horn goes off so something like that probably seems less odd to me. whistle.gif

I speak car, btw.

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That's good. You had school today, right?


I used to bark at dogs, when I was little, especially while sitting in my seat on the back of my mom's bike. She was not at all amused by it. :laughingsmiley:

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Thats how I am with my nerd friends. The video game talk bores me but other than that I love those guys and when were together I usually can't stop laughing until 5 minutes after class starts. A bit depressed still about my bestfriend switching schools though. He was the funniest one and incredibly unpredictable. xD

And he still owes me money. On the last day of school I cleared out 4 lunch tables by sitting down and annoying everyone until they left. Its harder than it sounds and he promised me 4 bucks. <.<

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He switched schools. Due to parent problems he started living with his grandparents during the last schoolyear and its a far drive so they told him he'd switch schools after the year ended. :(

I have his phone number though so I might call him soon and get us all together. I know where everyone lives and hes the only one not within walking distance so it shouldn't be too hard...

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Haha, it wasn't so much annoying me that it was loud, their screaming, it was the really high squeaky annoying pitch of it that was bother me. And now its really bother me that Neopets won't allow me to stop those emails. I wonder if I should send in a ticket for that. And 4 lunch tables is in fact quite impressive.

Edit: the amusement was not in reference to your friend moving but the lunch table clearing, I realized that looked kind of offensive since you ninja'd me.

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You should get everyone together. That would be nice. At the end of middle school, I had a group of friends of about, 8-10. But we knew most of us would be going to different high schools, so at the end of the year, my friend Rachel got us all together for a pool party at her grandma's, the summer before HS.


Actually, that was the last time I saw all but 3 of them again. (3 went to my HS. And of those 3, 1 was one I grew up with.)

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That sounds fun, Spritzie. ^^

Sorry about your friends though. :(


Come to think of it, they ALL promised me money and I never got any of it. All together they owe me 12 dollars! :O I'll have to get that tomorrow...

And thanks Wembly. xD

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I have run into a few people I went to school with. The friend I grew up with, is married (#2) and has a kid. Another, that was a girl from middle school and HS, is off married and last I heard, pregnant. Then two girls that were always nice, are working at Red Robin and Starbucks. (After finishing a few degrees and living in London.)


It's strange running into people from so long ago. The girl that works at Red Robin, it'd been 10 years since I'd seen her last.


You should. You did it, after all.

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I grew up with this one family. (The daughter was always friends with my sister. She's in her 30s now) Her mom and my mom used to work together, before my parents had even met. And when I was 3-4, I absolutely loved her older brother, who was a teenager at the time. I'm told I would sit in his lap for hours, just playing with his hair. I barely remember that, but I ran into him recently too. :laughingsmiley:

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Also two small children outside have decided that its a good idea to scream, false children, false. That does not help my headache.


haha, this made me laugh out loud. I helped babysit for some people at church Saturday night (so the parents could have a fun night) and one of the two or maybe three-year olds kept screaming, and it was really high pitched and irritating.


My best friend growing up was in school with me until high school. She and her mom moved, so she went to a different HS. :( We still found time to see each other though, which was nice.

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I didn't finish both those books I got on Friday before the end of school today like I had planned to do, but I just finished the second a few minutes ago. I'm averaging close to 300 pages a day since school started. o.o


Sorry about your friend, Liz. :(

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Keeping in touch with old friends is what we have the internet for! b)






but seriously i think it's been like months lmao since most of my friends here died are gone @w@

Hi Anna! I almost didn't recognise you with your new set! :P Welcome back!


Scream back. That's what i'd do. xD

Of course, I AM the guy who yells "HONK!" everytime a car horn goes off so something like that probably seems less odd to me. whistle.gif

I speak car, btw.


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