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But I will take that as a compliment, since Anisha is really nice. happy.gif

You should. ^^


Poor Ian. T-T


Who would be a REALLY good switch? Personality, post count, and activness would all have to be taken into account. :O


Yeah, I think it might take me a bit, I don't really kno- or actually remember, Jhon's personality too much from when I actually saw him talk a lot.


No, I'm Noog because Ian got spi-*is spifed* :sad02:


Oh no! Ianoog has been spifed! Twice! :ohno: *begins emergency first aid* Live, Ianoog! Liiiive!


*pokes* Is you alive?


EDIT: I honestly think Will and Jhon would be a great switch. And... you and CAV could do it, but you'd probably have to work at it more. Unfortunately, cross-member status switches aren't possible, because those are incredibly obvious.


I lied, i'm not Anisha, she dosen't actually exist, that's just CAV returning since the new CAV is really Mike...

I'm actually... -drum roll- SHERLOC- Oh wait, I meant... SPRITZIE! :O


Yes, I'm alive.


CAV, I think anyone who knew Mike would see the difference by now. :/


I am actually Eric b)


Erianoog is alive :)


you and CAV could do it, but you'd probably have to work at it more.


Who and me?


CAV, I think anyone who knew Mike would see the difference by now. :/


Yeah, I never really met him, so I couldn't do it right.


So let's see:


Noog = Ian = Eric = Erianoog

Anisha = CAV

CAV = Mike but not really; thus, CAV = non-existant?

Ryan = Spritzie

Livvy = ...haha, you thought I'd give it away, didn't you? :evil:


If Laura were still around, we could totally pull off a switch.


I wish I would have talked to Laura more :P She is like the definition of awesome (You're pretty cool too Livvy :P) :)


Me....and CAV? :eh:


But Ryan, wasn't it you that said anisha was Cav since Cav was mike?


Laura IS the definition of awesome. And I'm the definition of awesome's partner in crime and snack tables. ^_^ We two were thick as thieves. Or pudding.


It's really a shame, all of you who never got to really know her. Imagine me, but more outgoing and blunt, with an unhealthy fascination for pastries. Her favorite smiley was either :goatee:, :bonjeur:, or :woot:.


EDIT: CAV and Noog? :eh: I cannot see that at all. *tries harder* Nope, I really can't.


Sorry, but this bugged me. T-T





Good point... :shiftyeyes_anim:






Yeah, you two are actually quite similar. :O




He was correcting the lack of caps in Noog's post. *shrug* Took me a while to figure out what he was talking about too. :P


I don't think they're similar at all. Noog and CAV take very different outlooks on things. (I'd detail, but I'm afraid it would come out sounding insulting, even though I naturally don't mean it to be. We'll just leave it as different levels of sarcasm and pessimism.)


Livvy I actually talked to Laura a couple of times, and HOP'd a few times while it was taken over with IC :P I remember one day we were talking about caviar ice cream :sick01:


EDIT: I'm really interested as to the similarities.


You said it, not I.


Caviar ice cream? Yes, that would be an IC topic, wouldn't it? I take it I was away at that time? Shame I missed that topic. :P


Actually, it's true. It's been a problem since my childhood.


For reasons beyond me, I would get nightmares of people that I know and love getting hit my subway trains. I think this may have spawned my negativity.


I didn't participate too much in the HOP when the IC had taken it over. I wanted to, but I guess I was a bit shy butting in on a conversation that friends were having :*


I'll find the page :P


Ha, I wish you luck finding that page. :P And you should have butted in! The IC was exclusive in its members but not in who we talked to. We liked new people as long as they weren't annoying. :yes: Though I do understand what you mean. I was afraid to post in here when I first joined 'cuz I was afraid everyone would say "Haha, look, a newbie! *points and laughs*" I have since learned that the whole of TDN is much nicer than that.

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