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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Why'd you lose your laptop in the first place?


I remember I told you. Meh, anyway.


I spent all night making the siggies for my sig compitition, and it was 1:30 AM. Dad apparently freaked even though I've been on the computer as late as 3 AM. The next morning, my laptop was gone. 2 weeks later, and I still don't have it. And I need it to do my break homework.

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Then you have plenty of time to help me. ^_^ *grabs Ani's wrist and drags her to my room, skipping*



:laughingsmiley: Wait! *is dragged*


*looks* Your room is real mess. :laughingsmiley: Where do you want to start?

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I'm terrible at making siggies. I go all perfectionist. :P


I make my own siggies. I don't ask for help, cause I don't like bothering people, so I learned to make signatures myself.


Every signature I've ever had here on TDN were made by me and me only.

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Uhhh... *looks* How 'bout this pile of clothes at the bottom of the bed? Chuck anything you wouldn't wear. We'll hang up the rest of it. :)

I could do that. :O Do you need to make your bed? Or jump on it too. :P


*looks* Ryan, your room is a mess. :laughingsmiley:

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Ryan, you are a lucky man.


I looked around my room once. All I found was paper, dust bunnies, and a dust bunny that actually turned out to be a centepede.


My room used to have carpet and blue walls, but it was changed to brown walls and a wood floor. It's kinda neat. And my dad did it all himself. He built a lot of things in my house.

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Did you keep the centepede as a pet and name it Carl? :O



No, my walls are more tanish. :yes:

OH! I just found a pig made out of hay. :O



Sorry about that Anisha. xD

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