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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I do all the petpet avvies myelf. Except I was lent Harris and I don't even have the snowbunny avvie yet. O ther than that I did the rest by myelf.



I'm hoping that now that i've acheived the stock market avvie more people will consier me for certain avvies like BGC and Draik/Krawk.

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Wow, I've never been here before... :)


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No I want the actual thing. I thought pet lending is for adopting pets.


If you mean the pet lending we're talking about on here... no. It's being lent the pet, so you can get the avatar. They're not adopting them out. That would be on the adoption board.

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Haha, I wish they were adopting out draiks! Though I doubt ANYONE is rich enough to do that. :P


I don't know if I should wait till I get my own draik and get the avatar myself, or just borrow it from the ALP ... I really want to use the Draik avvie, but then I really want the Draik itself too...


*considering still*

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Spritzie this pet lending sounds really Ive ever done it before I kinda found avies around or from frends that had the one Iam missing with is still a lot of them lol


It works well. Because there's only 2 people I knew on Neo, until I joined here, and that was my sister (Who only has a Kougra, even though she's been playing for probably 7 years now.) plus she's rarely on, and my husband. I don't know anyone who's really heavy into it.


Haha, I wish they were adopting out draiks! Though I doubt ANYONE is rich enough to do that. :P


I don't know if I should wait till I get my own draik and get the avatar myself, or just borrow it from the ALP ... I really want to use the Draik avvie, but then I really want the Draik itself too...


*considering still*


I'm getting the Draik avatar from the ALP next month, but I'm still saving for a Draik. I will have my own one day. But I want the avatar now, not later. You can always do both... get the avatar now, then the Draik later.


can we change the subject? :P


No. You're forbidden. Who says you can just waltz in and request a subject change??? :laughingsmiley:

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I demand a subject change! All this talk about pet lending is making me want a Krawk even more, which will make me crazy, which will make me angry. And you won't like me when I'm angry....


I when to the New York Auto Show about 2 weeks ago, I just forgot to let people know.

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If I zap an avatar petpet at this point, it won't help me, since I've only had the lab ray for a couple months. And my first 2 petpets are retired from zapping. My 1st one, got zapped into a Fire Snorkle. (I don't like Snorkles, but my husband talked me into keeping it, since it was attached to my Ice Shoyru.) And the second was a Gold Kookith. And Kookiths are my favorite petpet. And my current petpet being zapped, I've only had attached for 17 days.

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