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Giovanni Gale

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See, for me it depends on what looks better as a starter. Like in Saphire, I chose fire because Blazeiken looks awsome. And in Diamond, I chose water because Piplup looks cool once he evolves.


And for the grass thing, SS is correct. But grass also floats on top of water, making it better.

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What I really don't get is why flying types affect fighting types so much.


And which do you guys like to do better? Have a full team of type balanced, equal-leveled pokemon or one pokemon so strong that type difference dosen't matter? I'm gonna get Heartgold and do that with a Totodile but with Soulsilver i'm balancing it.



And now my team is:


Blaze(Lvl 22 Quilava)

Thorn(Lvl 21 Weepinbell)

Hawk(Lvl 22 Pidgeotto)

Pine(Lvl 20 Sudowoodo)

Joker(Lvl 14 Drowzee)


And soon i'm gonna add either Ditto, Togepi, or a legend.


Currently outside Burnt Tower, just beat Rival after going in and staring at Suicune, Raikou, and Entei, wishing to catch them. I don't wanna go to 4th gym yet.

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Ooooh! What starter did you choose? :D


I play my old D.S. games, migrate to PLatinum when I beat the game, then restart the old games again and migrate once more. Soon though i'm gonna transfer all my platinum pokemon to SS.

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I've always thought Charmander was one of the cutest. I never really paid attention to Pokemon, but my husband got a game guide to the Platinum version, and he showed me all the released Pokemon. I must say... there are a lot of really cute ones. Mine has really leveled now, so it's a Charizard now.

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I have something to admit...I've never played Pokemon. It's sad...definitely had the hippie "go create something" parents. :hmmph: Which I actually like now but didn't then.


I know what you mean. Growing up, my sister and I weren't allowed to have cable tv, or video games. I got my first video game thing (A Game Boy Advance) when I was 24. :laughingsmiley:

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Yeah, my parents are VERY strict about some things but not about other things. Like, they get me whatever I want, but I cant really go out with friends. I HAVE to get As, but I stay after school to work on a project with my team/friends. Arghh...But I still have an iTouch and the Samsung Impression and a laptop! :D

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My parents varied with my sister and I. My sister was trouble from the time she was 3. I was the quiet, laid-back one. She was always loud, talking back. When my sister got older, she always had a curfew. When I got older, I never had one. But my sister went out with friends all the time, and my parents never really knew where she was going. With me, I didn't go anywhere often, and when I did, I was with someone they trusted completely, so I never had one. With my best friend, I was allowed to stay out as late as I wanted with her.

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Lucky!! With my parents, I am the bad one. They only put up with me because I am an angel in school. My sister is the opposite: angel at home, devil at school. But my parents dont know that, so they just think she is an angel all around 0:) . Grrrr...

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I still do well with my parents... except my mom and I argue a bit. But we do better now that I don't live at home anymore. We got over it a bit, when I lived an hour and a half away. But at that point, I saw my parents more than I have been until recently, when I live only 15 minutes away.

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I fight with my parents ALL the time. Oh well, I am ALMOST a teenager. But I still love them. All of my friends are SOOO jealous that I can get whatever I want, but they dont know the other side of my parents... :sad01_anim:

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I always got along great with my parents. I used to tell my mom that I was going to live with them forever. (Thankfully, I out-grew that.) I didn't start arguing with my mom until I turned 16. (And that only started because she couldn't stand my best friend at the time.)

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My fights with my parents are really stupid, I guess, I just have a pretty bad temper so I flare up about anything. At least, thats what they tell me. They also tell me that I am a very bad bad BAD girl and I am going to end up working at McDonalds and I wont get into college! :ohno:

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