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Giovanni Gale

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I'm glad it's been warming up a bit here. I hate the cold. I prefer warm. It's nice to walk outside for work at 6:30am, and have it finally be light out. When I went to work before, it was dark. Then it was dark when I go home.

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It rained here all day but when it stooped me ad my freinds went to the park and found a stream going from a giant puddle to the sewer so we spent an hour making a dam. Then we found some worms in th dirt and got distracted. Eventually we left and went to the other side of the park and found it was filled so high the sewer entrance was full so we skipped stones for another hour until we decided to have a rock war. It was short lived because a random old lady started yelling at us then asked these two kids on bikes if they liked apple pie. o.o


And why did Ruto leave? o.o

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It was fun. Especially when we dared these kids to stand in a puddle we found that went up to their knees. xD


And where do you live? Like- oh! Colorado, I heard it get's cold up there even during the summer. o.o

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Guys, what's going on? Livvy is temporarely gone, Laura is gone, Ruto let too, and I haven't heard from the rest of the IC ina while, not even on the FM forum.


Not to mention I haven't seen CC lately...

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It was fun. Especially when we dared these kids to stand in a puddle we found that went up to their knees. xD


And where do you live? Like- oh! Colorado, I heard it get's cold up there even during the summer. o.o


Colorado weather is unpredictable. Sometimes, we have 70 or more, degree days in December, January, February. We get actual blizzards as late in the year as April and May. Sometimes we get quite a bit of rain and thunderstorms during the summer, but usually it doesn't get that cold. Though it can go from shorts weather to snow in one day.


It's interesting. That's why there's the saying here, "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change."

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that's sorta like New Jersey, one day we get two feet of snow, the next is raining all day, the next it's sunny. When it snows it's warm, when it doesn't it's cold. It's like the temperature is backwards or something

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I used to love the snow, but now I am just sick of it!!! Gahhhh! Why wont it just go away and the weather be warm???? Please Mother Nature Please!!!

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I used to love the snow, but now I am just sick of it!!! Gahhhh! Why wont it just go away and the weather be warm???? Please Mother Nature Please!!!


I couldn't agree more. I don't understand why people think it's fun. Fun, to me, is sun. Heat. Shorts and flip flop weather. That's my kind of weather. I don't get along with cold... which is why I don't understand why I'm living in the mountains. :laughingsmiley:

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I couldn't agree more. I don't understand why people think it's fun. Fun, to me, is sun. Heat. Shorts and flip flop weather. That's my kind of weather. I don't get along with cold... which is why I don't understand why I'm living in the mountains. :laughingsmiley:



I cant wait until summer! I am going to Fort Lauterdale in Florida. I am gonna stay in a fancy shmancy hotel right by the beach and I am going to get bronzed and beautiful!!! Fun time!

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Its going to Florida!! I really want to go on one to that Bahamas, that sounds like soooo much fun!! Maybe next my family will go on one. But this spring break...I am going...skiing in Switzerland! How cliche is that? Skiing in Switzerland! :)

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The Bahamas were beautiful. The only other cruise I've been on, was from Long Beach, CA, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico last year. That was cool, but I wasn't a fan of that part of Mexico. It was too much for tourists and not enough scenery. And it was cold. I froze. lol


I want to go on an Alaskan cruise. And someday, a Disney cruise.

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I have gone on a Alaskan Cruise and it was soooooooooooooooo fun because we saw all kinds of amazing animals and plants and gorgeous view and OMG it was amazing! It actually wasnt that cold, so my family and I (including some of my cousins) had a blast!

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My dad went on one with his dad a few years ago. (Alaska is a big thing of my dad's. He goes to AK every few years, for work. Usually Fairbanks, during the winter. This summer, he's going back to Anchorage.)


Then last July, my parents went on one.


I've been there once. I spent my 17th birthday up there. So that must have been July 2002. I loved it. I was ready to move. :laughingsmiley:

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divyadamini oh wow your trip sounds amazing I already been to florida it beautiful there I had a great time there I dont know whare we are going this year but Iam hoping bahamas so I can go horse back rinding



Horseback riding?! In the Bahamas?! Girl, no offense, but the bahamas are for lounging on the beach and getting tan! If I ever go to the bahamas, I want to stay in some super fancy hotel and go to the spa and the gorgeous beaches.

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