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Giovanni Gale

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I used to have Pro but it was just do...STUFFY X^D. When I put back the classic a classic opera started to play in my brain.



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We actually had snow a couple weeks ago. Forgot to tell you about it, as there was a serious conversation going on here. So yeah, beginning of October and snow starts falling! Crazy.


And it's 70 degrees F out today. It's gonna be a strange year.

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I think constant rain would be kinda annoying though. Can't really go outside much.


It's funny, a year ago, I loved the cold weather and everything, but now, I can't wait for summer. You can't do anything fun outside in the cold <_<

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Eurgh, I need to change the subject momentarily.


So I finally told someone else. Like, pretty much everything I've told all of you guys.


But it was on the house phone. Uch, big. mistake.


I think my mom was listening.

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Ouch that stinks. Are you sure your mom knows?

I guess the best you can do is hope that she's understanding.

If worst comes to worst, just tell her you were playing a prank on someone or something like that.


And, well at least you got it out. I mean, sometimes that's one of the most helpful things for me. Sometimes it can really feel like a weight's lifted off your shoulders.

So what did the person you told think?

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Oh. We feel stupid, I bet. Well, you told us a while ago, so we're used to it. Just when you said "everything," we were still thinking of a few days ago. My bad.


I seriously feel stupid now. o.o


So that might be a little different for your parents... Fingers crossed?

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Hmmm, i'll offer any advice I have if you want it as soon as I figure out what bi means. TO GOOGLE!


Or I might just lurk and try to get a basic idea...


I think I MIGHT've figured it out though and if it's what I think, that's not a bad thing, although I agree with Ice cream that it might be a little strange for your parents, IF your mom really was listening.

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You guys do know what I'm talking about, right?


I'm talking about the fact that I'm bi and in love with my best friend. Not the other thing.

Actually I assumed it was that. That's why I suggested the prank thing, because you could be trying to mess with a friend by freaking him/her out or something.


I hope your mom is understanding and everything. I mean, being bi doesn't make you a bad person or anything (but I'm sure you know that :P).

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I know, I know, Revenge, I just didn't want my mom to find out that way. I wanted to tell her at the right time.


And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm fine with what I am. That's the way it is. I'm just not too keen on my mom hearing it through a conversation with my friend.

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Well I didn't meant that you thought that it was a bad thing. Just that I hope your mom doesn't.


Like I know my parents well enough to know that they'd probably kick me out on the street if I told them I was gay or bi.

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