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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Last year was...quiet.


Its just that whenever I was around my friends who had different teachers they went all Einstein' around me.

Or maybe its just me.


Oh, and I also miss the stress of homework. Yes, the dark shadows under my eyes the next day, symbols of success. ^_^

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I have moved.


I have eaten another glowing dot!


I have moved.


I have eaten another glowing dot!


I have moved.


I have eaten another glowing dot!


I have moved.


I have eaten another glowing dot!


I have moved.


I have eaten another glowing dot!


I have moved.


I have eaten another glowing dot!


I have fallen unconscious from boredom...

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Depends on what kind I guess.


I hate essays and anything to to with writing. But I'm guessing that English is the main subject for school. =_="

I'd love to see some math homework. Now that would be interesting....


*stare's at Livvy's half-finished work*

*looks at an unconscious Livvy*


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*wakes up*

Grr, teachers a*bites tongue*

Ouch... Okay. I will not rant, I will not rant, I will not rant...


*phew* Okay, I'm better now! =]


I will not rant, I will not rant, I will not rant...


Yea.. sorry about that. My teachers this year are... Let's just say I'm smarter and/or more practical than a lot of them.


~ Livvy

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Lmao, I see where you're getting that.


But nah. It's just matching up the 53 countries of Africa to their names and capitals, and then matching up all the land and water features and coloring the map.



I mean... is this even really 9th grade-worty homework? XP

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Hm, let's see.


I have to write about 10 Chinese characters 5 times each.

Vocab for science

Math exercises

And read a short story and write a report on it.

Oh joy :) </sarcasm>


But I like my teachers this year. They're all pretty cool. Other than my Chinese teacher that is.

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Because in order to teach any language, you have to be able to speak the students' language well enough for them to know what you're talking about. That's why French French teachers often have trouble too.


~ Livvy

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Well umm... I learnt Lithuanian and Icelandic at the age of 2 months. And then I learnt a long lost rune-based language at 5 months.


And I learned to fluently speak the language of the tongue-clickers of Southeast Yugoslavia at one year.



But now I just speak english. Sooo much easier.

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is it bad that I can write in Japanese but not speak it? well I can say it right from Romaji but not kanji alone. Unless it's McDonalds lol

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