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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yeah, I think I missed a bit too much to bother speaking. I'll just be quiet now...


...Oh, my arm and my stomach and my head.

My arm healed, my stomach (with the help of pills) healed, and now when I move my head, or move at all, it stings.


And that was a very disturbing picture.

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America would be just a great place if we could just get rid of all of those career politicians, basically all politicians.

And get rid of the socialism aspect of out government, aka bailouts.

If you're referring to that 7 (hundred million? or billion? hm...) bailout plan, then I just gotta say we really needed that. Without it, the banks would have no money to lend to people and businesses, which would cause the economy to basically fail. Epically.


And if you're referring to the government handouts, well, it's just that some people are born in the crappiest situations, and no matter how hard they try, they'll never realize the American dream. Those handouts are just to provide a more equal opportunity. They'll also help the money circulate better. If money circulates more, then the economy improves.


And if you're referring to the progressive tax, it's the same thing, it helps the money circulate more. I mean the rich will just get their money back anyway. The poor get more, and then they buy more of the rich people's products, and then the rich have more to make more products, which helps the economy a lot.


I say we Americans just have to watch how much we spend. Like they say, we've been living way beyond our means, and now it's coming back to haunt us.


Okay, political rant done now :)

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Since the current topic is DEFINITELY not one of my favorites, I'm changing it. :D


To another, just as despicable topic, food poisoning on Thanksgiving. Hoorah... >.>


Yes, you heard me correctly, food poisoning. On. Thanksgiving. Horrible lot of unluckiness on my part, that was. Barfing all day, just joyful. Still can't eat any turkey. Makes me sad, it does.


And to top it off, I almost sliced my poor foot off due to the fact I can't hold a knife. xD


Fell out of my hands, it did, and almost onto my foot if I hadn't dodged out of the way. When it hit the tile, it threw up sparks. Scary...

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Ehh, My Thanksgiving consisted of starving myself. It wasn't much to be thankful for...


Would you like some roach pepperoni pizza?

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lol, I just remembered a great comment at the dinner table that's actually appropriate!

Here it is (sort of):


My brother sees me drinking beer(rootbeer) and eating a chunk of meat(turkey leg)

We had just been talking about how pillaging and burning is super duper.

My brother said something about how I looked like a viking or something, drinking my mead and eating a chunk of meat.


That's all I usually have for thanksgiving dinner anyway, rootbeer, turkey leg, and some bread.

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-offers pizza box- Mmn. Let's just say my family doesn't care much for me, alright? I'd rather not go into it.

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-offers pizza box- Mmn. Let's just say my family doesn't care much for me, alright? I'd rather not go into it.

If they don't care, then would they cared it you "borrowed" some money and ordered some food to be delivered? :evil:


I got CoD2 multiplayer to work last night, but single player still fails :/

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Oh man that last post game me a great idea for a new topic...

What would you like your last words to be?


I don't have a particular thing I would most like to say, but I would want it to be something really funny.

Like so funny that they wouldn't realize I had passed until they finally stopped laughing a long while later.

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If they don't care, then would they cared it you "borrowed" some money and ordered some food to be delivered? :evil:

I do that quite frequently.


The crunch is just the flavor!


IGFX Error? If you need help with that, I can help you.



Anyone else find this scary?

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That's actually pretty cool. It'd be even cooler if it spun around. :P


OKAY PEOPLE! Someone help me here... why isn't my new avie showing up? I'm trying to change it from my Bill and Tom one to my Ich Liebe Dich one.

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