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Giovanni Gale

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Starring "Syn-Chan"!! ... right. I'll make this clear, I want the first spot for the name. "Syn and Rosy." Alright? As my producer, I want that!

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As /you/ are my producer. If I produce? The only thing that would come out would be something for the toliet. >>;;

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Oh, you mean me? I'm just the director. My producer... is... him! *points at random beaver*


Please address all producing-related complaints toward him.



Ah, a toilet joke. That doesn't bring much of a response here, I know. Try something else...

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Well, thanks a lot! ...See you later, hopefully. ^w^ I wish I could repay you, but with the exception of my Paint brush money, I'm drop dead poor.
You do not have to repay me, especially with stuff on neopets (all of it would just rot in my rarely used account)
There's no script, it's a documentary!


And we changed it to that early on 'cause he already ate the original script. <_<

I just sent the beaver to a camp where he can concentrate on not eating scripts.

(hope no one sees the totally wrong joke in there)


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Ah. Fire the beaver, then! We'll eat his meat on the grill and cook us up something cheaper than cows!! ...Or maybe not, because he's in a ... -shuts up now-


You do not have to repay me, especially with stuff on neopets (all of it would just rot in my rarely used account)

Well, thanks to you, my dream is nearly complete! I'm making a Neofamily with a couple friends, A baby Aisha, A Royalgirl Cybunny, and I still need a big brother (It's meant to be like my real family, since my siblings moved out and I'm lonely) and then I'm trying to trade my battle pet for a krawk because my friend's been dying to get one.

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-remembers the Lutari she pounded, then pretends she never heard what you said-

Lupe... Hm...


Well, I just want a neopet younger than my cybunny, like my real siblings. I'm fourteen, and everyone else is over the age of 25. My brother is 27/28, and my sister is 30.

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Krawks are awesome. Expensive, though. But I remember a time when you could buy a krawk petpet for 30,000. Now I think it's about 6 mil, right? Ah, well.


We don't need to send the beaver away, we don't use scripts anymore... and we're not eating him!

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They are... and I owe my friend big time, so I want to get her that.


Fry up the grill, We're having beaver!!


My brother just called. Won't be coming until January. =w= This is why I want to have a neopet family...


Actually, I got your sense of humor. -offers suicide pill-

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They are... and I owe my friend big time, so I want to get her that.


Fry up the grill, We're having beaver!!


My brother just called. Won't be coming until January. =w= This is why I want to have a neopet family...


Actually, I got your sense of humor. -offers suicide pill-

wow, someone else who gets my sick and twisted sense of humor, only other person that I know gets it is one of my older brothers, who has it too.
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Actually, I'm just a lover of Schadenfreude, so I have a weird sense of humor. (Happiness at the misfortune / pain of others) Man, I need to figure out what can I have for a big brother neopet...

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I was being subtle with the joke.

In any case, I'm going for a Tyrannian Lupe!! ^w^ I need to adopt a well-named one that's old. It has to be Flandre's big brother.

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"90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this into your signature."


I've been seeing this in a lot of signatures lately. It's outdated. many more social networking sites have become popular, so it would probably be something like

"40% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 60% that would be typing rotflmfao one-handed on facebook, copy and paste this into your signature."


pardon my slightly crude chatspeak, but that's what it is more like at this time.

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Aw! I missed the riddle!! Give me another one, and I'd like some cookies on neo? :3


I don't use Facebook so... -wink-

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Lol okay, another riddle:


A man and his son are driving down a road in the rain at night. The father cannot see anything ahead of his car, and slams on his brakes and swerves trying to avoid a ditch. Unfortunately the wet roads caused him to slide and he crashed into another car. The father was killed instantly but the son survived, but was in need of surgery. Paramedics quickly brought the boy into the hospital. The surgeon took a quick look at the boy and said "I cannot perform this surgery" when the rest of the employees asked why, the surgeon said "Because this is my son". How is this possible?


And yeah, I use facebook, probably a bit too much lol.

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