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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I think being sick has really been common lately. My poor daughter has been sick on and off since October! She only seems to get better for a week then gets a cold and ear infection again :(


I hope you all get better! I will send good wishes you way so you get better, being sick is no fun!

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Ugh, Im so glad this week is over.


All week, they had a new person at work, and they got me to train him. Any other week it would be fine. though of course this is the week to Easter (and easter w/e). So I had to do my work, and basically double it :(. Thankfully another supervisor is back tomorrow, so I shall move him onto him.

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Sure, but I get to pick this time! JUST KIDDING!


I'll be online, but I'm going to go to bed early tonight so I would feel better by tomorrow. I don't know if you can answer this, but are we all going to go under a trial? Then, after the trial you will make the final choice?

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Ooh! Breakthrough!


Morgan's internet can connect for a short period of time, then I need to do the whole "reconnection process". It shouldn't be much longer before I can be as active as I used to.


Cross your fingers! ^_^

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Hey guys! Congrats Ellie!


My keyboard is currently broken and as a result I might be quiet for a little bit. It should be fixed soon enough though. I'll just have to lurk and post when I feel the need to do so. I'll still be watching and it shouldn't take too long until I'm back :P


By the way, if anybody was wondering how I'm writing this post, I'm using the On-Screen Keyboard :D

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Congratulations to Morgan! Looks like our undercover agents have done their work well (my command station finally decided that the world's ISP service was a bit on the crappy side). :yes:


And congratulations to Ellie as well!

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Whoops, it appears that Revenge has several spare minds as well... I'll go steal some of them. :P

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Ohh are we just posting random stuff... Ohh yay... well then I can post that I have 22 minutes of work left YAY :D

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*waves* Hi Carmi... Why you confusled? What is confusing you?

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Hey Carmi! (Like your name)

If you need any help feel free to ask me.

I'm a novice Photoshop user and all around good guy. (Others may say different but just ignore them. :P)

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Hi M and Levy.


M~ Im confused because of all the stuff I have to do to get my pet ready to battle the pant devil in the battledome. lol I am an old layer but a total newb.


Levy~ Thank you is a shortened version on my name and im a novice photoshopper. I made my ava and sig. both were first attempts

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Pretty good for first attempts. I made my Sig and I animated my Avatar, just made it go faster for the IE users just now. I'm a Bleach fan. Now that I have seen all the Death Note episodes and Blood+, Bleach is my only Anime now T^T. I really liked Blood+ too.

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