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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I only get about a month and two weeks, school holidays work differently in England. People bully me cause they think I'm annoying, because I have a problem that makes me see things differently to other people. And I don't mean my eyes. They tease me cause they know I can get easily annoyed and upset.:( It's not fair. :angry:


That is so annoying! Try ignoring them. That might work. :mellow:

I've never been bullied before, so I really dunno how it is. :sad01_anim:

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If you're Year 10, then what am I? I'm Secondary 2. :)


Well, it depends how old you are. I'm 14, and I'll be 15 in December. Year 10's turn 15 sooner or later in the year, unless their birthdays are at the start of September or very late August.

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Talking about ages, eh? I'm really 191/2 years old, and the age group I'm in is basically the average age group throughout TDN if you ask me.

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Gah, you guys are making me feel old!!! *cough* 21 *cough* Then again, I'm sure there are people older than me on TDN . . . right? *panics*


Yep! I'm older, as Wembly said. I'm 26. :P I know quite a few users on here are my age, or older.

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I turn 11 in January. :) October was full of birthdays, too.


Yay, another Capricorn! xD I don't believe in Zodiac, but I think it's just fun to mention sometimes. And my dad's birthday was a few days ago. ^_^

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If I'm not mistaken, I'm considered an Aries in the Zodiac.

Also, I hope your dad had a great birthday this past week, Neo_Girl.

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Yay, another Capricorn! xD I don't believe in Zodiac, but I think it's just fun to mention sometimes. And my dad's birthday was a few days ago. ^_^



I don't either, but I agree with you, it is fun.


OFF TOPIC: Something I randomly drew and posting here because I think another topic would be Spammy:




I don't think it turned out that great, and also it is VERY big. :P

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I like that sketch of Trunks you posted there Khaos. Also, if there's any images that are too big, you can use this to shrink down images to a reasonable size. Like Lisauntie, you should take up manga someday if you keep on posting stuff like this.

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If I'm not mistaken, I'm considered an Aries in the Zodiac.

Also, I hope your dad had a great birthday this past week, Neo_Girl.


Thank you. :D They say those who were born Aries are usually outgoing and circled with friends. b) (I play Sims 2, so I've it memorized)


And that drawing is amazing, Javi/Khaos! Are you gonna color it someday?

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