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Giovanni Gale

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My day has been as bad today as it was yesterday. I have strep, and I am in pain. Fever pain, not normal pain. It's actually worse, LOL.


I don't know your name, but I'm sorry :( feel better soon!

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Fever pain. Fever pain is unpleasant. Because it's kind of only in your head, but it's definitely there, and you're not really lucid enough to know what to do about it.


I remember I had a really nasty bug once. No idea what it was, but I just generally felt sick. Then I felt sick and miserable, and at one point my fever spiked so high that my brain literally started overheating, launching me into a fever frenzy. And then I just passed out, and woke up beneath a mountain of blankets and robes, a bit warm but otherwise okay.

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I remember I had a really nasty bug once. No idea what it was, but I just generally felt sick. Then I felt sick and miserable, and at one point my fever spiked so high that my brain literally started overheating, launching me into a fever frenzy. And then I just passed out, and woke up beneath a mountain of blankets and robes, a bit warm but otherwise okay.


That sounds horrendous! D:


The only times I've been really sick is when I've had the flu. The room starts spinning and it's so memorizing and sickening <_<

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I actually don't remember that much. You saw where I said my brain was overheating? It kinda screws with your memory. ;) I just remember being freezing cold and absolutely convinced I was going to die. Oh, and at one point I was apparently freaking out my mum so much that she actually shut down the computer and just sat with me while I rambled about utter nonsense.


But yeah, it kinda feels like a dream more than a memory.

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Ryan, I think it's time we pooled some of our minions together, trained them into a crack team of fire extinguisher operators, and stationed them at Livvy's house. They'd be able to protect her and her cookies. :P


I'm just nervous about how much swordfighting is appropriate for a Neopets story xD

Heheh, considering the amount of wanton destruction I have in both of the NT stories I've worked on, I think a story with heavy swordfighting is pretty safe. xD *end poorly disguised plug*

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Hey folks.


Just back from school & football (soccer) coaching.

I got some more results from my prelims today (exams I did earlier this month which act as a back-up/appeal if I miss my final exams in May or do terribly in them).

anddd I've done pretty darn well so far :thumbsup:


Now I've got a stack of homework to deal with...


I shall be around :shiftyeyes_anim:

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I'll probably end up being around more than usual. My husband is starting a new job, and he'll be working 6 hours today, and 12 hours tomorrow and Friday. So I'll have the rest of today, and all day tomorrow and Friday free. :D

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My mom's workplace is having a movie night tomorrow. The movie this month: Despicable Me

Before I go see it, is it any good? I've heard great reviews about it. :)

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Thats good to know because for a second I thought your day was a ninja.



Meh, I iz doing a Social Studies paper. Ryan no want to do this. Ryan talk in 3rd person with bad grammarz when he no want do something.


Seriously? Then what the heck was it?

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I'm trying to write a history paper too xD And a topic for my Comics and Culture paper. And a problem set for Bio. Aghhhhh xDDD


got my Reproductive Bio test back today though, and got an 81.5!! Yay!! Average was a 73, so I think i did fine :P Especially since I thought i completely failed :laughingsmiley:

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Aw that sucks.

That does remind me though that I have to start working on my essay for the novel 'Night' soon.


Gratz. ^^

Meh, we've been having to take tests every other day in Avid but we finally did the last one today so i'm glad. ^^

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My semester just started and, man, it looks like it'll be a tough one... not entirely uninteresting though. It's fascinating actually, because literally everything I've learnt in previous mathematics, blueprint drawing and CAD software subjects is actually being put to use. Seeing everything come together like that is... kinda scary. But FREAKING COOL! 8D


Good idea Theo, you get the duct tape and the fire extinguishers and i'll get the whip and caddle prod.

... What? We wouldn't want the minions running away. GPS chips would'nt be a bad idea either...

Let's do this carrot *and* stick. ;) I'll bring some chocolate too.

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