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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Not EVERYTHING is made in china...I had a toboggan made in Canada once...and a pair of snow-shoes too....

Facebook WILL take over...it even SUGGESTS friends to you...I keep getting my mom's friends suggested to me....it's creepy...

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Facebook WILL take over...it even SUGGESTS friends to you...I keep getting my mom's friends suggested to me....it's creepy...


Myspace does the same thing. It suggests friends depending on the friends you already have. Seeing that, I get a lot of role players in the suggestion box.

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I never used MySpace, I have a Facebook and a Twitter myself.

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I don't like Facebook, and I DISPISE Twitter. I only have Myspace, and it's all I'll ever have. I know I'm old school.


I just got all giddy over the Prototype 2 trailer. Can't wait til 2012. I would link it here, but I think some things won't be suitable to put here (blood). Let me know if I can.

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I hate social networking sites. I have a Myspace I haven't logged into in over 2 years. (I created it to keep up with non-mainstream bands.) And I have a Facebook I created only to catch up with a friend I grew up with who's now married and pregnant. And I haven't logged into that in awhile either. I'll never actively use them.

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My family is tech challenged, doesn't use that stuff, or is part of the family I wouldn't keep up with anyway.


Besides, the family I keep up with (except my cousin and in-laws) all live within 10 minutes of me (my parents) and 2 hours (my sister) My in-laws are in Florida and we talk by phone. And my cousin is in AZ, and we text.

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All of my cousins are probably on at least one of those sites. (I have 6 cousins) But my cousin in AZ in the only one I really get along with and keep in contact with. 2 of my cousins live in town I think, but I haven't seen them in years. Then my other 3 live either in Tennessee or Mississippi.

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I haven't logged into my Myspace in about 5 months, mostly because nobody talks to me. All I get are crappy game invites and mail from Myspace itself letting me know about a new feature that I don't like or care about.

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Opening your own paper sounds like fun. I never would have gone to school for something like that, but I love writing.


It was fun for the first edition. Then the guy whose idea it was decided he could do the whole thing himself, and fired everyone, except our friend Joe, because he couldn't do the technical stuff without him. Poor Joe ended up doing all the work.

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