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Giovanni Gale

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Hey there, don't be dissing the orchestra now :P


I dunno, the band probably things more of themselves than our orchestra. But our music department is pretty good as a whole, so I can fairly honestly say we're pretty good. Our band is usually in the top three marching bands in our region (and they were only .1 from second; .25 from first this year). We've all (chorus, band, and orchestra) competed in various places (last year we went to Chicago) and we all won first place, which was pretty awesome.


But yeah, the orchestra does need to actually rehearse on the stage. I mean, the acoustics are completely different, and believe it or not, it's harder for the orchestra to stay together because of the way the sound travels.


Anyways, Christmas music. It's not that bad, depending on who it is. I like Relient K - their Christmas album is pretty cool.

Yeah, because orchestra is awesome! My high school orchestra was pretty bad though - mostly because of the teacher. I think that orchestra just thinks of themselves as being more dignified than band, since we don't march and such. Plus, strings sound pretty. There was a bit of rivalry because we had to use the band room when they didn't need it to rehearse (often it smelled pretty gross from the sweaty band uniforms). We eventually got our own room, but the acoustics were terrible.


It is really hard when you don't get to rehearse on stage. I was in the college orchestra, and the orchestra actually had to pay the university to use the stage (even though it was empty during most of our rehearsals), so we only got to rehearse on it once before each concert. It was always a crazy rehearsal because we went from playing in a small room towards a wall to playing towards a huge empty space. HUGE difference.


Oh and I like the Relient K Christmas CD too! I just like Relient K though. :)

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Yeah, our conductor is pretty good. He has this sort of mentality where he doesn't compliment us very often, which makes us all work harder, and he usually does say he's happy with our playing if he really is, which of course makes us all happy. I dunno, it's cool, and it works, because people are willing to try harder.


Haha yeah, I just like Relient K too :P

But their Christmas album is great. Sleigh Ride, Merry Christmas Here's to Many More, I Celebrate the Day, and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas are my favorites.

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Reliant K is pretty darned awesome. :yes:


And yes, orchestra is lovely. I'd much rather listen to orchestra than band. Our orchestra people just tend to be more exclusive. And they're kicking us off our stage, so I'm a little biased against it at the moment. :P

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That's actually our marching band. It's practically impossible to get them to talk about anything else during marching band season :P


But of our "arts" groups, I actually think our theater group is the most exclusive of them all.

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Oh, we're the most welcoming. We love people (though our oddities likely frighten them away. :P ) Theatre at our school is basically the repository for kids with no lives. Who then evolve into kids with talent. Sometimes.

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Our drama kids are the talent at our school who think they're are better and funnier than everyone. They like to try and do it in class too. Rather annoying actually :whaa:

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So I guess I don't really have much to add to this conversation, but since I heard Justin Bieber's name mentioned a few posts back, I couldn't resist posting this:



I personally think that song is better than the original. :P

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xD It appears that opinion is shared by a lot of people.


That game is, of course, none other than StarCraft II. :yes:

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I personally think that song is better than the original. :P


Why am I not surprised that the song was about Starcraft? xD I was thinking the whole time It seems as though AA posted a parody. It's Starcraft isn't it?


And he does sing better than Bieber.

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Heh, I think my StarCraft fanboy-ism is becoming a wee bit obvious these days don't you think? :P


It's funny to think that song will probably be stuck in my head all through my exams tomorrow. xD

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Yep, that's perfectly true. :shiftyeyes_anim:


*twitch* The author information box on TDNF seriously needs a little padding. It's bugging me. xD

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No, padding as in the layout concept. xD Basically when we code a page, we divide it up into a whole bunch of boxes. Each box can have some form of content, a border, padding (the space between the border and its content), and margins (the space between the border and other boxes). :yes:


The author information box on these forums doesn't have enough padding. The text is brushing up against the sides, and that bugs me.

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I thought you liked shiny unicorns.



But of course! Who doesn't like shiny unicorns? And rainbows too.


And now you guys are pushing it. SUBJECT CHANGE!


Sooooo......Christmas is coming...

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You're right. I'm sorry. (Sorta :P)


Christmas... I got a computer I'm already using from my parents. My husband is getting a laptop. So that will be awesome. I might be getting a DS. So I'm excited. And I need to get our tree. We have a pretty white one with colored lights. :yes:

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I'm trying to get my grandmother and god-sister over here so we can get our tree out.


I'm finishing up my Christmas list, and I'm helping my brother with his. My penmanship is god-awful, which is why I learned to type at a very fast pace at a young age, so I can email my Christmas list.

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No. Nobody in my family is good with surprises. We end up giving ourselves crappy stuff. So me and my brother are constantly asked what we want for Christmas. So we just make the lists and give them to dad, where he passes them around to the rest of the family so they know what to get us.


Even during birthdays people ask what I want instead of trying to surprise me, because nobody ever knows what to get me. They obviously know it's a video game, but they never know which one since I play a large array of video games. One moment I'm playing a shooter, the next moment I'm playing a puzzle game. I have variety.

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