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Is this sketchy?


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I got a neomail form a person I did not know saying my pet was featured on the main page and if I would like a screenshot of it. I never received any mail saying I was chosen. She said she put it on her pet's page. Is this a ploy to get me to her page for her to CG me?

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There's a little section on the Neopets home page called Notable Neopet. Pretty much, it randomly picks a pet entered in the Customization Contest and puts it there, along with the pet's name and the account it's on. It's just a way to show off how Your Pet Could Be This Cool to new members. The person who NMed you was probably just bored and decided to tell some people that they'd had a moment on the front page.

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I had one of my Neofriends say they seen ChristelleFairy on the main page one time. I found this odd because I've never seen her or had anyone tell me they had seen her. I assume they were just trying to do you a favor figuring you probably hadn't got the chance to see it.

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I got one of those a couple of weeks ago. Some people make it a point to screenie these pets in case the owner wants a memento of their pet being featured. I know a few people on the Charter boards who do it. It's just a nice gesture. Not sketchy at all :)

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congrats on having your pet featured as Notable Neopet


V00D00 got in over the summer (I didn't have constant internet access) and when I finally got around to answering the NM about it from this girl , she told me she literally deleted it 5 minutes ago !! what a bummer ... but hopefully one of my pets will be featured again

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