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Feeling a little rich :)


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Oooh laavly! Congrats :)


Do you have a gallery? You could build a pretty big collection of something with 3 mil ^_^

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Congrats on getting so close to 3 million, Billpika! If I were you, I'd save up the 3 million NP for some expensive yet useful Battledome weapons* from the Hidden Tower, or a new paint job for any of your pets. In other terms, play some more games, collect your bank interest daily, and you'll have some more Neopoints to buy the elusive stuff you want from the Auctions, Trading Post, and so forth!


*- We suggest that you should buy items like Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield, Ghostkerbomb, Hanso Charisma Charm, and other high-rated BD weapons like the ones featured on this page. Also, stockpiles on Codestones, Dubloons, and other items neccessary for Neopet training can also come in handy if you're into fighting opponents over at the Battledome.

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Are there any paint brushes you would like for your pets? Or gallery items. Congrats on the NPs!

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Congrats! I would save. I'm trying to eventually get enough saved up so that I earn 15k in interest (you need something like 40+ million though >_>).


Me too! You need over 43 mil with the highest interest to get 15k/day in interest. I always get about halfway there, then blow a bunch. Need to have more discipline.


What do you enjoy doing on neo, Billpika? Avatar collecting, item collecting, battling..? You should spend it on something that interests you. If you don't really have any goals at the moment, don't spend it just because you can. Keep saving until there's something you want so you get the benefits of more daily interest.

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i have no self control with saving nps. as soon as i have enough i generally spend it..


that 15k interest thing sounds, interesting :P but 45 million nps is wistful dreaming.


galleries are the worst thing you can have if you like saving, because you always blow a huge amount of nps on it :P


congrats on the 35k to 3 mill though! let us know what you have planned, more saving? or spend spend spend!!


(all of mine is going into the stock market for that avatar at the moment 130k invested so far..)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would save it to get the adam avvie (if you are into avatar collecting) and then spend it...as people have said on your gallery or paintbrushes and the like. That's what I'm doing :)

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