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How do auctions work?

Naamah D.

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That's how it works.


However, you didn't ask enough for your item so I don't think you will make an optimal profit on it.


But it wouldn't let me put 2.8 million as my starting price...I feel terrible!


Also keep in mind, 1 million is a lot to me.

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Yes, but you could have changed the minimum increment to something higher than 1np. ;)


Umm...I didn't know what the minimum increment was. Either way, that's a butt load of NP. Don't be upset at me please.

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I believe bidders will be eating this lot up come closing time .. i'd love to have a popcorn while I watch this


*puts a reminder*


you might not rack 1.8 Mil but ... it's gonna be tight !!

I hope you can get a good price for it! Go to the boards and advertise a little, and hope somebody bids it up. If I had the NP, I would bid it up for ya :/

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